Character Profile Wikia

This profile only covers the Child era of of Link from Ocarina of Time plus the entirety of Majora's Mask. If you want to see the older Link from Ocarina of Time, click here.

Young Link
Young Link
Series The Legend of Zelda
Age 10
Birthday Unknown
Sex Male
Species Hylian/Kokiri
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Alignment Neutral Good

Young Link is the protagonist in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask. He is the Link that belongs in the Child Timeline.

Ha, Haa, Tyaah!
~ Link


A Young boy who grew up in a small village in forest called kokiri forest

After the events of Ocarina of Time, Link was sent on a quest to find his friend and companion Navi, who went off on her own shortly after the defeat of Ganon. His journey came to a halt when he crossed paths with Skullkid, Tatl and Tael, who are a group of troublemakers who steal from travelers for fun. Needless to say, they steal Link's Ocarina and ride off on Epona. His chase for the troublemakers ends with him in a weird lair, where he stands eye to eye with Skullkid and no Epona in sight.

Skullkid proceeds to transform Link into a Deku Scrub, leaving Link distraught from the recent events. When Skullkid flees, he unintentionally leaves Tatl behind. Tatl is not able to escape since she cannot open doors on her own as a fairy, which leaves her to work with Link, now a Deku Scrub, to follow Skullkid. Their search ultimatle leads them to Termina, a parallel country to Hyrule.

While searching for Skullkid in hopes of being turned back to normal and get back what was stolen, Link soon finds out that Skullkid has sent the moon on a crash course to Termina and the only way to prevent this is to wake the Four Giants of Termina. Together, Link and Tatl are thrown into an adventure across this new country to wake the giants and stop the moon from crashing into Termina.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Enhanced Endurance: The Great Fairy of Courage give Link double the defense as a gift for retrieving her stray fairies from Great Bay Temple.
  • Magic Spin Attack: By striking a certain pose, Link is able to infuse magic into his sword. When Link breaks this pose and goes into a spinning attack, he disburses the magic out of the sword for greater range. The longer he stays in this pose, the range on the Magic Spin Attack will increase. At first, the Magic will be blue, which changes over to a red state with farther range. However, Link can use the red state of the Magic Spin Attack without striking the pose and without using magic.

Weapons & Equipment[]


  • Gilded Sword: A sword built upon the Kokiri Sword with Gold Dust.
  • Great Fairy's Sword: A longsword given to Link by the Great Fairy of Kindness. While its length prevents Link from using a shield with it, it is four times as powerful as the Kokiri Sword, making it extremely useful for dealing out damage.


  • Deku Shield: A simple wooden shield used by the Kokiri Tribe. It can deflect projectiles, but will burn if it makes contact with fire due to it's wooden properties.
  • Hero's Shield: A standard metal shield Link possesses in his search for Navi in the beginning of the story. This shield cannot deflect projectiles, unlike the Deku Shield, though it is generally more durable.
  • Mirror Shield: The replacement for the Hero's Shield. This shield can be used to reflect beams of light.


  • Fairy Slingshot: A simple weapon that uses Deku Seeds as a projectile to hit far away enemies or switches. Link's Bullet Bag can hold up to 50 seeds.
  • Hero's Bow: The Hero's Bow is Link's main ranged weapon, which lets him fire arrows. With the Giant Quiver, Link can carry up to fifty arrows at a time.
    • Arrows: Standard wooden arrows with metal tops.
    • Fire Arrows: Arrows infused with fire magic, which will emblazon enemies when hit.
    • Ice Arrows: Arrows infused with ice magic which freezes enemies.
    • Light Arrows: Arrows infused with Sacred Light. These arrows are extra powerful against "evil" creators, and have similar properties to sunlight.
  • Hookshot: Similar to a grappling hook; A spring-loaded chain with a hook at the end that Link can fire, pulling himself towards something and vice-versa.
  • Bombs and Bombchu: Explosives that Link carries to destroy obstacles, which he can carry up to thirty of at a time. Bombchu are mouse-shaped bombs that move along the surface of whatever they're placed on before exploding after a couple seconds.
  • Powder Keg: Giant explosives bought from Biggoron. He can only hold one at the time and can only use them in Goron Form.
  • Deku Nuts: Nuts that stun enemies.
  • Deku Sticks: Sticks obtained from Deku Babas. He mainly uses them to transfer flames, but he can also use them in combat.
  • Lens of Truth: A lens which lets Link see things that are otherwise invisible. This item drains magic constantly when used.
  • Bottles: Six glass bottles Link has in his possession, which he can use to store items or liquids.
  • Magic Beans: Beans which will create a flying platform when planted and watered.
  • Ocarina of Time: An Ocarina given to Link by Zelda. With this Ocarina can Link play songs with certain effects.
    • Song of Time: A song which allows Link to travel back into a certain point in time.
      • Song of Double Time: The Song of Time, but with every note played twice, Link jumps forward to the following 6 am or 6 pm.
      • Reverse Song of Time: By playing the song of time in reverse, Link can slow down time to a third of its normal speed.
    • Song of Healing: A song which "heals souls"; Usually by turning them into masks that Link can use to turn into what that soul was.
    • Song of Storms: A song that makes it rain.
    • Song of Soaring: A song which teleports him to an owl statue of his choosing.
    • Sonata of Awakening: A song that awakens ancient things.
    • Elegy of Emptiness: A song that creates a statue copy of the one who played it.


  • All-Night Mask: A mask which prevents the wearer from falling asleep.
  • Blast Mask: A mask that can detonate at the wearer's will.
  • Stone Mask: A mask that makes the wearer invisible... Except for when it doesn't.
  • Great Fairy Mask: A mask which attracts stray fairies.
  • Bremen Mask: The wearer of this mask can make a march, which small animals will march along with.
  • Bunny Mask: Increases the wearer's speed.
  • Don Gero's Mask: A mask which lets the wearer talk to frogs.
  • Mask of Scents: A mask which heightens one's sense of smell.
  • Mask of Truth: A mask which lets Link hear the thoughts of animals and Gossip Stones.
  • Couple's Mask: A mask that calms people around the wearer.
  • Gibdo Mask: A mask which makes one look like a Gibdo for People and Gibdos.
  • Captain's Mask: A mask which lets Link talk to Stalchildren and make him appear as Captain Keeta.

Alternate Forms[]


The form that Link was turned into by Skullkid, which eventually turns into a mask that Link can then wear.

  • Spin Attack: By spinning his body, Link extends out his hat to create a circular attack
  • Sap: He can shoot magical sap out of his mouth, which he can use as a projectile in the shape of a bubble.
  • Deku Shell: A Deku shell he can drape over his body to use as a shield.
  • Propellers: Link can enter a small bush, then be shot out of the bush like a cannon. When shot nout, he creates two flower propellers that he can fly short distances. When he is in flight, he drop Deku nuts against enemies.


A Goron-form Link that he can turn into when he wears the Goron Mask, which he creates when he places Darmani's soul to sleep.

  • Strength: In this form, Link has physical strength beyond that of an average human, and his punches contain just as much power as the Megaton Hammer from Ocarina of Time
  • Rolling: Just as any Goron, Link has the ability to curl up in a ball and roll forward as a method of transportation. Unlike most Gorons, when he reaches high velocity, Link reaches a stage where spikes emerge around body and gets a boost of speed. He can't tap into the state if he is out of magic.


A Zora-form Link that he can turn into when he wear the Zora Mask, which he creates when he places Mikau's soul to sleep.

  • Fins: A set of two fins extend from Link's arms. He can use these fins as blades and boomerangs. They are also durable enough to use as shields.
  • Barrier: When swimming, he can omit a magical aura to shield him from enemies.

Giant -Form[]

An enormous form of Link which he gains when he wears the Giant Mask in Twinmold's layer.

Fierce-Deity Form[]

A form Link can access by wearing the Fierce Deity's Mask, a mask created by the Lunar Children with all the masks Link has collected through Termina (Meaning Link can't have access to his masks outside of the Deku, Goron and Zora masks if he would use this mask). Link's power increases in this form and he can shoot out beams from his sword.

Hero's Shade[]

Hero's Shade is a deceased form of Link. This form of Link cannot pass on because Link has no one to pass his teachings onto. However, he was able to teach his unique techniques to the Link in Twlight Princess and thus finally pass on. In this form, Link retains his Gilded Sword and his Mirror Shield from his adventures in Termina. He also is able to transform into a wolf in this form.



  • His fire arrows can melt large ice boulders.
  • The Gilded Sword and Great Fairy's Sword can effortlessly cut through wood.
  • Link's Goron Form can create a visually noticeable shockwave when doing a buttbump.
  • His Powder Keg can blow through a rock easily.
  • His Goron Form can destroy boulders roughly his size with a single punch.
  • Defeated Majora, who could pull the moon and raze Termina


  • Goron Link can win the Goron Race.
  • As Goron Link, can move fast enough to catch on fire
  • Zora Link has the ability to defeat the Beaver Brothers in a race.


  • Can survive an explosion detonated in close proximity to destroy large rocks and stone walls.
  • Goron Link can walk on molten magma for a short time.
  • Link can take a fall to Gyorg's room without damage.
  • Is intact after getting hit by lasers from enemies such as Eyegore and Beamos.


  • Can defeat Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg and the Twinmolds to free the four giants.
  • Can defeat Majora's Mask and save Termina.
  • Has the ability to sneak in to a pirate base and steal Zora eggs from their captive.
  • Teaches Link in Twilight Princess all his sword techniques.
  • Defeats both Captain Keeta and Igos du Ikana of the Ikana forces.
  • Link can line up an arrow with flame, causing the arrow to catch fire and light any unlit torch. He can also do this while on a moving platform.
  • All the feats of skill from Link (Ocarina of Time) can be applied to Young Link, as they are the same person.


  • Both his Deku Form and his Zora Form are extremely weak to fire.
  • He can't use multiple magical applications simultaneously.
  • Limited Magic.
  • His Deku Form and Goron Form can't swim.
  • His Giant Form continuously drains magic and can only be used in Twinmold's lair.

Fun Facts[]

