Character Profile Wikia
Series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (series)
Age Immortal
Birthday Unknown
Sex Male
Species Beastman (Feline/Shark Mutation), Spiral (Post-Multiverse Labyrinth)
Height N/A
Weight N/A
Alignment Chaotic Good, Formerly Lawful Evil
You spout a bunch of crap, but this is crap I can really get behind!
~ Viral

Viral is a villain-turned-hero from the anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. He is Simon's arch-rival.


Viral is a Beastman, a hybrid of human and animal DNA created by the Spiral King Lordgenome, who used the Beastmen to subjugate humans and force them underground. Viral was the commander of the Human Eradication Force, and it was his job to find any humans who escaped to the surface and eliminate them. One day, while out hunting, Viral found Kamina, a human who wished to rebel against the Spiral King and save humanity from their subjugation. After losing to Kamina and his friend Simon, Viral decided that Kamina would be his rival. However, after Kamina's death and Simon taking his position, Viral joined with the Spiral King's generals in order to defeat the rebellion. Eventually, Viral was forced to disobey a general's orders, and the general asked Lordgenome to execute him for treason. Instead, the Spiral King told Viral the story of why he created Beastmen, and made Viral immortal so he could become a storyteller and tell the story of his victory over the rebels for ages.

Many years later, after the Spiral King's defeat at Simon's hands, and Viral is still alive. Despite humanity's freedom, some humans have gotten used to living underground, and Viral is helping them stay there. This has gotten him thrown in prison for his previous actions. Simon, having been thrown in prison as well to await execution after a being known as the Anti-Spiral explained its reasons for wanting to exterminate humanity, meets Viral in prison, and helps him break out to help fight the Anti-Spiral threat, with Viral being the new pilot of Gurren, Kamina's old Gunmen.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Immortality: After learning the origins of Beastmen, Viral was granted immortality by the Spiral King, making him unable to die. With this, Viral no longer needs to eat, drink, or rest, and can keep fighting forever. Any wounds he sustains, no matter how severe, will always heal in seconds.
  • Superhuman Senses: Due to his animal genetics, Viral has enhanced senses. He was able to sense someone located on a high cliff far away from him.
  • Spiral Power: Despite being a Beastman, Viral has shown signs of possessing Spiral Power, a form of energy that only species with a double helix in their DNA can utilize. He was able to pilot Gurren, a Gunmen powered by Spiral Energy, and formed the Gunmen Tengen Toppa Enki Durga out of Spiral Power to combat the Anti-Spiral in the final battle.


  • Cleaver: Viral's main melee weapon, which he has shown great skill with.
  • Longbow: A weapon that Viral has only shown to use when hunting.
  • Enkidudu: The third remodeling of Enki, Viral's Gunmen. Like Enki's other forms, Enkidudu has various weapons installed in it, such as rocket launchers, kunai launchers, and a retractable blast shield in the wrist. Unlike Enki's other forms, Enkidudu has four arms, letting Viral wield four swords at once while piloting it.
  • Tengen Toppa Enki Durga: Viral's most powerful Gunmen, which was formed from Spiral Power and is larger than galaxies. It has seven sets of arms, wielding a sword in thirteen of them, and a club in one.



  • Easily overpowered Simon and Kamina in fistfights.
  • Punched a Beastman through a wall.
  • Enkidudu is capable of overpowering Gurren.
  • Tengen Toppa Enki Durga could hold back the Granzeboma's drills.
  • Enkidudu's beam destroyed a mountain with a single attack.
  • Enki was capable of knocking over Dai-Gurren with raw strength.


  • Deflected point-blank gunshots.
  • Dodged gunfire.
  • Enkidudu can spin fast enough to create a vortex.
  • Dodged Lagann during his cannonball attack.
  • Enkidudu matched Gurren Lagann in speed.


  • Survived Dai-Gunkai's destruction before gaining his immortality.
  • Shrugged off getting holes pierced through his hand, and healed them easily.
  • Tengen Toppa Enki Durga survived a blast with power comparable to the Big Bang.
  • Enkidudu withstood Gurren Lagann's Blazing Chariot Kick.


  • Easily overpowered Kamina in swordplay.
  • Defeated Simon in a fistfight.
  • With Enki, defeated Gurren without much trouble.
  • With Enkidudu, defeated a couple Grapearl units, despite them being much more advanced machines.
  • Clashed with the Granzeboma while taking control of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.


  • A tad cocky and loudmouthed.
  • Refuses to use underhanded tactics.
  • Relies on piloting Gunmen for most of his fighting.

Fun Facts[]

  • Viral is the only Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann character to have his own unique theme song. The song Nikopol plays whenever Viral entered during his time as a villain.
  • He shares voice actor with the Ocarina of Time version of Link.