The following profile is for the super hero Billy Batson, if you are looking for Marvel Comics' first Captain Marvel click here and if you are looking for the current Marvel Comics Captain Marvel, click here.
Billy Batson | |
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Series | DC Comics |
Age | 15 (unknown as Shazam) |
Birthday | Unknown |
Sex | Male |
Species | Unknown |
Height | 5' 4" (6'2" in adult form) |
Weight | 125 lbs (57 kg) (215 lbs in adult form) |
Alignment | Neutral Good |
After the death of his parents, young Billy Batson’s terrible and aggressive attitude saw him alternate between foster homes and running across the streets of Philadelphia to fend for himself. He would never remain mobile for too long, and after landing himself in a local orphanage, was sent over to live with the Vasquez family, whose children were all orphans just like him. While he often fought with them, they were by far the closest Billy could get to regaining the sense of normalcy he had lost before, as he spent his time participating in the same responsibilities and shenanigans any normal 15-year old like him would be a part of.
One night out on the streets, Billy was drawn into an unknown location, leading to a meeting with the wizened immortal wizard named Shazam. In him, the old figure saw great potential and a level of purity and goodness within the boy that belied his flippant nature, and so had ultimately determined him to be the next worthy host for his powers. With the aid of the Living Lightning, Billy could harness the ancient powers of the gods for himself by uttering the name “Shazam!”, causing him to assume an adult form who possessed powers based on mythological figures, such as Solomon, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury.
Since that fateful day, Billy has tried to reconcile the differences between his old life and his new one to the best of his abilities. When not slacking off on his homework or using his powers to abuse his status as a temporary adult or pranking others, he assumes the mantle of Shazam to uphold his commitment to the wizard to fight the forces of evil. Despite not being old enough to be considered an adult, Billy possesses a surprising level of maturity and wisdom that belies his often foolish demeanor; his desire to be the best hero he can be when faced with the most dangerous of circumstances has truly made him a worthy successor to the legacy of Shazam.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Divine Empowerment: Billy gains his powers from six different heroes and deities: Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and Mercury. He activates these powers by saying the magical word "Shazam" which is the first letter of each of the gods' names combined.
- Wisdom of Solomon: Due to Solomon's blessings, Shazam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge. Billy describes this ability as a feeling and a moral compass.
- Clairvoyance: The wisdom of Solomon gives Billy clairvoyance and provides him with counsel and advice in times of need.
- Divine Grace: Billy has the wisdom of Solomon which allows finesse in actions and dealings with others.
- Eidetic Memory: Through Solomon's wisdom, Batson is capable of memorizing anything he sees.
- Tactics of War: Through Solomon's blessings, Billy is an accomplished tactician.
- Mathematics: Through Solomon's blessings, Billy is an accomplished mathematician.
- Multilingualism: Through Solomon's wisdom, Shazam can speak any language when transformed. He has been shown to speak decent Arabic and Japanese.
- Strength of Hercules: With the blessings of Hercules, Billy's strength is greatly increased. He is able to crack concrete, bend steel, and fight toe-to-toe with Superman.
- Super-Leaping: With Hercules's blessing, Billy is able to use his strong leg muscles to leap far distances in a single bound.
- Stamina of Atlas: With the blessings of Atlas, Billy can endure great physical exertion without tiring while in his empowered form.
- Self-Sustenance: Because of Atlas' blessings, Shazam is able to survive without food, water or any other sort of sustenance while in his empowered form.
- Power of Zeus: Zeus' power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms Billy, also enhances his other physical abilities and allows for inter-dimensional travel and the casting of various mystical spells. Most notably, this power allows Shazam to manipulate and control the "living lightning".
- Healing: He displayed the ability to use the transformative lightning to heal others or himself instantly from wounds inflicted on his mortal form.
- Dimensional Travel: Shazam can access the Rock of Eternity whenever he wants, which sits at the center of the Multiverse. Shazam was also able to forcibly transport the Wizard to the Rock of Eternity through a bolt of his lightning.
- Electrokinesis: Shazam is able to generate and manipulate the "living lightning", which is the magical lightning that transforms him into Shazam. He can project the energy from his fingertips and even use the lightning bolt as a weapon by dodging it and allowing it to strike an opponent or other target.
- Electro-Blast: Shazam can discharge powerful blasts and arcs of electricity from his hands or his entire body, and attack foes with it.
- Magic: As the wielder of Shazam's power, Billy is capable of casting magic spells for various purposes. While originally not well-versed in magic, Billy eventually learned to cast precise spells from the Book of Champions.
- Power Distribution: As Shazam, Billy can share a portion of his magical powers with anyone akin to family that he so chooses, giving both similar and different powers of their own based on their personalities. The Wizard considers this "sharing spell" the greatest of Billy's powers.
- Size Alteration: Shazam has used a spell to shrink down to the size of Mister Mind, in order to fight him inside his father's head.
- Summoning: By saying "Ala-Ka-Zamm!" Shazam was able to summon a ping-pong table into the Justice League Headquarters.
- Thermal-Blast: Through a spell, Shazam was able to ignite a blast of Superboy-Prime's ice breath into flames, and redirect the blast at him.
- Courage of Achilles: This aspect is physical and partly psychological, and gives Billy superhuman amounts of inner strength to draw off from, while also making him indestructible to harm. Bullets have no effect on Billy, and conventional weaponry does nothing to his physical body as well. Only the most powerful of superhumans can topple him. He withstood a punch from an enraged Superman without any noticeable pain and injury afterwards.
- Indomitable Will: Because of Achilles', blessing Shazam is very strong willed in his actions.
- Immortality: As long as he remains in his empowered form he doesn't age.
- Speed of Mercury: With the blessings of Mercury, Billy can run as fast as a bolt of lightning, this means Billy can at least run a third of the speed of light.
- Flight: With Mercury's blessing, Billy is able to hover or out right fly at high speeds.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Shazam's reflexes are heightened to superhuman levels. He has even reacted to the likes of Superman in battle.
- Wisdom of Solomon: Due to Solomon's blessings, Shazam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge. Billy describes this ability as a feeling and a moral compass.
- Can consistently trade blows with Superman
- Superman tends to have a one up on most DC heralds which have done quite a lot such as….
- Kyle Rayner blocking Imperiex’s big bang
- Barry outdoing Pre-Crisis heralds+Batman(Do note Barry is the same from Pre-Crisis to Post Crisis)
- Barry drawing blood from SBP who survived a blast from a semi-amped Anti-Monitor
- Superman tends to have a one up on most DC heralds which have done quite a lot such as….
- Said SBP is superior to Supergirl who tore pieces off the Anti-Monitor
- Comparable to Firestorm and present day Captain Atom, who brought Doctor Manhattan to his knees and gravely injured his body respectively.
- Punched so hard he created a singularity forming a black hole.
- The sheer sound of his battle with Lobo spread throughout the cosmos.
- Was stated by Superman to be his equal while they were arm wrestling.
- Pushed a dead star.
- Scales to Pre-Crisis Superman's trip across billions of light years, via Barry Allen surviving the Crisis.
- Lightning Bolts come directly from the Rock of Eternity, which is located outside of the universe, in the center of space and time (the multiverse).
- Threw the Helmet of Fate into space, where it would eventually bounce off the edge of the universe and back to earth in a year.
- Scales to Wonder Woman, who deflected pieces of the Shattered God coming from all corners of the universe.
- Was fast enough to stab Spectre with the Spear of Destiny.
- Fought someone who was harnessing the power of a star that survived the Big Bang.
- His magic invulnerability allowed him to survive a Tesseract Bomb. Which folded him inside out, no other JL member could have survived it.
- Can take hits from the likes of Black Adam and Superman
- Was able to trick Batman, the world's greatest detective.
- Endured through hell while the other heroes gave up.
- Showed the bravery necessary to challenge Spectre.
- Childlike: Despite the closest any mortal man can be to an actual god as Shazam, Billy himself is still just an ordinary 15-year old kid most of the time, and will remain as such until he finds a way to say “Shazam!” to transform. He’s at his most vulnerable without the wizard’s powers to save him, and it doesn’t help that he can be somewhat immature at times, leading him to making a careless mistake here and there.
- Power Sharing: Sharing his powers with his other family members also divides his own, making him weaker.
- Inexperience: Despite possessing incredible abilities in his superpowered form, Billy still lacks skill and experience as a crime fighter. He also doesn't really understand the true extent of his mystical abilities. Both of these factors often render him overwhelmed when faced with stronger and more experienced opponents.
- Vocal Reliance: The spell that allows Billy to transform into Shazam is purely vocal. Therefore, if he is prevented from speaking, such as being gagged, he will not be able to transform.