Character Profile Wikia
Lucy Heartfilia
Lucy Heartfilia
Series Fairy Tail
Age 17 (X784)
17-18 (X791)
19 (X792)
20 (X793)
Birthday July 1, X767
Sex Female
Species Human
Height 167 cm (5'6")
Weight 47 kg (103.6 lb.)
Alignment Neutral Good


Lucy Heartfilia is the main heroine of the anime/manga series, Fairy Tail, where she joins the infamous Fairy Tail guild, she soon became a member of Team Natsu and began her long amazing adventure alongside her team and guild.


Lucy Heartfilia is the daughter of the extremely wealthy Heartfilia family. Trapped within the walls of the mansion, she had developed good relationships with the staff members and her mother, until her mother (Layla Heartfilia) had passed away when Lucy was around the age of ten. Soon after the death of her mother, her father (Jude Heartfilia) had been obsessed with money and business, having neglected Lucy, the young girl was broken and hurt from her horrible childhood, which led her to running away from home, a year later Lucy meets Natsu and Happy eventually taking her into their life of, Fairy Tail, starting a whole new chapter of her life.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Celestial Spirit Magic: Lucy practices Celestial Spirit Magic, a type of Spatial Magic which allows her to summon Celestial Spirits, magical beings residing in the Celestial Spirit World, using the Keys of their respective Gates. When summoning a Spirit, the Keys are enveloped with a soft, golden light. Once a contract has been made with a Spirit, such Spirit will be available for Lucy to summon on certain days, in which it will fight on her side and perform several tasks for her. Her Celestial Spirits have varying levels of power, with different ones being more suited for certain tasks than others, not necessarily related to battle. For example, Aquarius can manipulate water, creating powerful waves which can sweep away large amounts of foes at once, while Taurus has enormous physical strength, making him a valuable melee fighter, able to flank Lucy during battle and tackle opponents on her behalf. However, Celestial Spirits are sentient beings who possess personalities and traits, and are thus able to act accordingly during battle, sometimes even ignoring Lucy's orders and acting on their own. Celestial Spirit Mages have the potential to obtain extremely rare Gold Keys, which open the gates of the "Ecliptic Zodiacs," and more common, store-bought Silver Keys. There are a large number of Silver Keys, but there are only 12 Gold Keys, each of them being related to a specific astrological sign. So far, Lucy has obtained 10 Gold Keys and 5 Silver Keys, a considerable amount of Keys for a single Celestial Spirit Mage. Lucy's ability to summon her Spirits is limited by how much Magic Power she has to sustain them; the more Spirits she summons and the more powerful they are, the more Magic Power she exhausts. She is capable of using five of her Ecliptic Zodiac Keys in one day, a noteworthy feat, and she has also demonstrated the ability to summon Celestial Spirits by simply calling on them instead of using their keys. While in Elentear, Lucy is able to summon Aquarius from a body of water, despite no longer owning her Celestial Spirit Gate Key at the time.
    • Force Gate Closure: Lucy is able to force the gate of a Celestial Spirit to close against their will, prompting them to return to the Celestial Spirit World. She demonstrated this ability when Taurus was taken over by Sherry Blendy through her Magic and was forced to attack Lucy. For a Celestial Spirit Mage, obtaining this ability seems to be a remarkable feat. When using this ability, it is possible that once a spirit has been absorbed by someone, the absorber may go to the Celestial Spirit World as well.
    • Multiple Summons: Lucy has gained the advanced ability to summon more than one Celestial Spirit at once: she has been even shown summoning all of her five Gold Keys and one of her Silver Keys (Plue) at once, something which greatly astonished Loke; however, due to the large amount of Magic Power required for such feat, she was able to keep it active for just a handful of seconds. After gaining access to her Second Origin, Lucy gains a greater control over this ability, as seen during her fight with Flare when she was able to keep two Celestial Spirits' gates open nearly effortlessly. This provides her greater flexibility as she is able to combine the aspects of her Spirits' powers and abilities to form new and more powerful attacks. She can also use her own Magic in combination with another Spirit to increase the power of an attack. During her fight against Tartaros, Lucy managed to open three gates simultaneously, something which has been referred to as a forbidden technique. While in being Elentear, Lucy is able to easily summon many of her Celestial Spirits which was composed of nine Gold Keys and one of her Silver Keys (Plue).
    • Recompense Summoning: A technique that only a Celestial Spirit Mage possessing enough Magic Power to open three or more Golden Zodiac gates simultaneously is able to carry out, in order to summon the Celestial Spirit King, the strongest among the Spirits, once. In order to save her friends, Lucy sacrificed Aquarius's key as the sacrifice needed to be of a Spirit she has strong mutual trust with. By doing so, Lucy was able to summon the Spirit King and destroy Plutogrim.
    • Urano Metria: A powerful spell, known as the "Ultimate Magic of the Stars", in which the knowledge to achieve such was momentarily bestowed upon Lucy by Hibiki Lates through the use of his Archive Magic. After she was granted such spell, Lucy fell in a state of trance, in which she chanted out the spell's incantation. This prompted the area around Angel, her opponent, to become full of star-like lights, followed shortly after by a blanket of darkness reminiscent of a night sky. All of the star-like lights exploded at the same time, inflicting heavy damage upon Angel. Once Urano Metria was cast, Lucy awoke from her trance, completely unaware of what she did. This spell seems to be exhausting to cast as Lucy claims to lack the energy to move after waking up from the trance. During the Grand Magic Games, Lucy combines her Magic Power with Gemini's and together they cast this spell. However, the spell is canceled by another Mage before its effects can be seen but Lucy noted it wouldn't be as powerful as the last time she used it with the Magic Power she had left. After receiving Aquarius's Magic from the Celestial Spirit King, Lucy is able to cast the spell on her own; powerful enough to defeat Jackal.
    • Star Dress: A Celestial Spirit Magic spell in which Lucy incorporates the power of a Celestial Spirit into her body by placing the key of the Spirit in question on her chest. The power manifests itself in the form of a wardrobe change (similar to Requip), in this case in the form of a dress centered around the Spirit in question's own wardrobe.
      • Star Dress: Aquarius Form: This form was bestowed upon her by the Celestial Spirit King, and once in it, Lucy took on an appearance based on Aquarius' own, having acquired a bikini top that sports a zigzag design and a miniskirt. Aquarius' zodiac sign is located between Lucy's collarbone whilst in this state. The tattoo fades away as Lucy collapses after successfully casting Urano Metria and defeating Jackal, however she was later seen with the tattoo once more.
        • Water Magic: After sacrificing Aquarius' key to summon the Celestial Spirit King, Lucy was bestowed the Magic of Aquarius by the Celestial Spirit King, which allowed her to both consciously and unconsciously make use of her friend's powers.
          • Water Barrier: Lucy generates a powerful barrier of water, capable of blocking even the explosions generated by Jackal's powerful Curse. (Unnamed)
          • Aqua Metria: Lucy utilizes this spell which makes the water flow in waves and attacks the opponent with it.
        • Earth Magic: Lucy was also shown to be capable of employing this specific form of Magic, although, it is worth to note that the earth she manipulates still retains fluid motion of water. Such was the case during her battle against Brandish.
          • Aqua Metria: Lucy utilizes this spell which makes the land flow in waves like the sea and attacks the opponent with it.
      • Star Dress: Leo Form: By incorporating the power of Loke into her body, Lucy becomes cloaked in an elegant, frilled, black ball gown that is slit up her left leg and tied with gold sash that sits around her hips. A black, frilled choker sits around her neck, and a ribbon with the mark of the Leo zodiac emblazoned upon it falls between her breasts. The accompanying sleeves of the dress are detached, sitting on Lucy's upper arm and falling to her forearm, where they flare outward. Around the bodice of her dress is more golden trim, curving inward under her bust. Additionally, Lucy sports black heels and her hair is now tied up in a quaint bun that is decorated with a black flower. Due to having taken on some of Loke's power, Loke's zodiac sign appears upon Lucy's right breast.
        • Regulus: Due to having taken on some of Loke's power, Lucy becomes able to use Regulus in a manner similar to Loke: imbibing parts of her body to do enhanced melee damage.
          • Regulus Impact: Lucy engulfs her fist in light to attack her target with a magically enhanced punch.
          • Regulus Lucy Kick: A variation of her signature Lucy Kick attack, after surrounding her feet with the light of Regulus that enhances the strength of the kick.
      • Star Dress: Virgo Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Virgo into her body, which grants her a dress very similar to Virgo's own, however due to its lacking the entire shoulder and most of the upper arms, the apron is now a pattern on the front of the dress; Lucy also receives a more frilly version of Virgo's headpiece, and still has Virgo's collar, albeit with the strings that are on Virgo's headpiece tied in a bow knot around it. She also bare Virgo's Zodiac sign on her right shoulder.
        • Swimsuit Version: This also grants her Virgo Form's swimsuit version.
        • Earth Magic: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Virgo's Earth Magic.
          • Diver: Lucy, now with the powers of Virgo, has the ability to use Diver and tunnel through the earth.
          • Spica Hole: Lucy can also create a hole in the ground and trapping her target inside it.
          • Spica Lucy Punch: After diving into the ground, Lucy positions herself under her target and punches them from below.
        • Water Magic: While in this form, the user incorporates the power of Aquarius into their body, gaining access to Aquarius's Water Magic which allows the user to use it.
          • Aqua Metria: Lucy utilizes this spell which releases a stream of water from her palms towards her target.
      • Star Dress: Taurus Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Taurus into her body, which grants her an outfit consisting of a bra and sleeves with a cow pattern and pants that leave her right leg entirely revealed. She also dons a pair of gloves and boots as well as a belt where Taurus Zodiac sign is located and a bag around her waist. While sporting this dress she uses her hair in two buns, one at each side of her head abut also leaving some hair hanging. Lucy also carries her whip with her in this form.
        • Immense Strength: This form grants Lucy the grand strength of Taurus, allowing her to pull a target with her whip while striking everything it touches, including other targets and even destroying the ground without any fatigue. This also enhances the sheer physical strength of Lucy's melee combat enough to either incapacitate her targets, or send them flying.
          • Earth Wave: Lucy strikes the ground with her whip, causing it to rupture the earth in the area in front of her, damaging anyone above it.
          • Lucy Punch: Lucy briefly empowers her fist and subsequently lunges at her target, punching them with great strength.
          • Lucy Kick: Lucy is able to amplify the strength of her signature attack with her immense strength.
      • Star Dress: Sagittarius Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Sagittarius into her body, which grants her an outfit consisting of a twin-tailed coat and sleeves that leave the shoulders and upper back bare. A pair of dark thigh-high boots with light trim at the top, which split above the knees to reveal the front of the thighs, are also donned. The hair is styled into a typical ponytail with two bangs framing the face. In addition, Sagittarius's zodiac sign is located on the left shoulder.
        • Marksmanship Specialist: This form grants Lucy the excellent marksmanship of Sagittarius, allowing her to fire several arrows simultaneously with each arrow hitting its mark.
        • Energy Arrows: Lucy is able to create energy arrows just by the use of her bow.
          • Star Shot: Lucy is able to fire a series of homing arrows which explode upon contact with their targets.
      • Star Dress: Aries Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Aries into her body, which she is granted an outfit consisting of a two-toned, short woolen hoop dress that ends at Lucy's mid-thigh level. The dress leaves her shoulders and arms bare, however, her arms are covered by woolen arm warmers and a woolen scarf is wrapped around her neck. Her legs are covered by horizontally striped leggings. She bares a tattoo of Aries' zodiac sign on her left shoulder. Lucy's hair is styled into bangs framing her face whilst two ram horns sit aside her head, behind which a pair of side ponytails emerge from.
        • Wool Magic: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Aries' Wool Magic, which allows her to entangle her targets in comfortable wool sending them to a more relaxed and comfortable state. The fluffiness of the wool is capable of preventing her targets to use magic that requires an incantation.
          • Wool Shield: Lucy conjures a large amount of wool in front of her to block her opponent's attack.
      • Star Dress: Gemini Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Gemini into her body, which grants her a two tone skirt with a high collar, and an upside down kite-shaped cleavage window, with two tassels along each of her collarbones, finished off with a plated belt that sits on her waist. She also wears odd colored thigh-high boots, and tops it off with a kokoshnik.
      • Star Dress: Scorpio Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Scorpio into her body, wearing a skin-tight outfit, of which vertical stripes run downward, and the back of the outfit leaves her back exposed, as the opening is in form of a scorpion's stinger. The limbs of the outfit are dark-colored, with a wavy stripe running downwards by the side of each limb. The areas such as the shoulders, elbows, knees, legs and forearms are covered in armor plates, of which the forearm gauntlets leave the hands exposed. The waistline is lightly colored, with lines running across the edges, and has a chain with a tail-like protrusion above Lucy's tailbone. She also dons a headband adorned with the Scorpio's zodiac sign on it.
        • Sand Magic: This form grants Lucy the ability to use this particular Magic.
        • Enhanced Speed: This form grants the user speed as they fly through a sandstorm allowing them to land multiple attacks on their targets.
        • Sand Flight: This form allows the user to blend in a sandstorm and fly freely.
      • Star Dress: Cancer Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Cancer into her body, wearing an outfit that appears to mostly be a qipao, albeit with long, wide sleeves and an obi, both present in kimono, suggesting it to be a combination of the two mentioned attires. Below the waist are pieces of cloth hanging in form of vertical stripes. As legwear, she wears knee-high socks, as well as flip-flops. In addition, Lucy's hair is tied up in two high pigtails, secured by a round, pincer-shaped clips.
        • Enhanced Speed: This form grants Lucy Cancer's enhanced speed that allows her to move very fast and make swift hand movements which allows them to wield her twin blades with great speed.
        • Twin Blades: This Star Dress comes with a pair of normal blades, in a way reminiscent of a pair of scissors, which Lucy utilizes in combat.
      • Star Dress: Capricorn Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Capricorn into her body, wearing an outfit that appears to mostly be a black and purple sleek skirt with large slits on both sides of the dress while covering the front and back. Her hair is braided with two large bands of hair in the back with black bows on each strand. Lucy also gains Capricorn's horns protruding from her head as well as white long boots with black long sleeves and a dark-colored shade that negates any type of Eye Magic used against her.
      • Star Dress Mix: A technique that allows Lucy to combine her star dresses into one, which manifests itself in the form of a dress and a crossed keys tattoo at the back of her left hand with each key representing the Celestial Spirit Gate Keys of the Star Dress Forms that are being merging together. According to Lucy, when in this form, it is difficult to maintain or continue using the combined power of the two spirits and she can only do so in a short amount of time due to how powerful it is.
        • Star Dress Mix: Leo x Virgo Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Loke and Virgo into her body, wearing an outfit with features that appears to be a combination of her Leo Form and Virgo Form as well as having three pair of wings on her back. While in this form, a crossed keys tattoo appears at the back of her left hand with each key representing Loke's and Virgo's Celestial Spirit Gate Keys.
          • Regulus: Due to having taken on some of Loke's power, Lucy is able to use Regulus in a manner similar to Leo by releasing a large amount of light covering a wide radius to attack their targets.
            • Lion Maiden: Lucy, with the powers of Loke & Virgo, is able to release multiple light pillars onto her target from beneath the ground.
          • Earth Magic: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Virgo's Earth Magic which allows her to release their magical attack from the ground.
            • Lion Maiden: Lucy, with the powers of Loke & Virgo, is able to release multiple light pillars onto her target from beneath the ground.
        • Star Dress Mix: Aquarius x Scorpio Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Aquarius and Scorpio into her body, wearing an outfit with features that appears to be a combination of her Aquarius Form and Scorpio Form. While in this form, a crossed keys tattoo appears at the back of her left hand with each key representing Aquarius' and Scorpio's Celestial Spirit Gate Keys.
          • Water Magic: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Aquarius' Water Magic which allows her to combine it with sand and attack her target.
            • Aqua Storm: Lucy, with the powers of Aquarius & Scorpio, is able to create a swirling storm of water and sand against her target resulting in the destruction of a large part of the target's body.
          • Sand Magic: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Scorpio's Sand Magic which allows her to combine it with water and attack her target.
            • Aqua Storm: Lucy, with the powers of Aquarius & Scorpio, is able to create a swirling storm of water and sand against her target resulting in the destruction of a large part of the target's body.
        • Star Dress Mix: Aquarius x Gemini Form: Lucy incorporates the power of Aquarius and Gemini into her body, wearing an outfit with features that appears to be a combination of her Aquarius Form and Gemini Form. While in this form, a crossed keys tattoo appears at the back of her left hand with each key representing Aquarius' and Gemini's Celestial Spirit Gate Keys.
          • Water Magic: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Aquarius' Water Magic which allows her to combine it with Gemini's Copy Magic and attack her target.
            • Water Clone: Lucy, with the powers of Aquarius & Gemini, is able to create humanoid water clones based on herself and various people from her memories, which would then attack her target or distract them so that the she could finish casting an attack against her target. (Unnamed)
          • Copy: While in this form, Lucy gains access to Gemini's Copy Magic which allows her to combine it with water and attack her target.
            • Water Clone: Lucy, with the powers of Aquarius & Gemini, is able to create humanoid water clones based on herself and various people from her memories, which would then attack her target or distract them so that the she could finish casting an attack against her target. (Unnamed)
  • Unison Raid: An ability which allows two Mages to unite their Magic into a single, combined and stronger attack. This is, apparently, a highly advanced form of Magic, with many priests having wasted their entire lives trying to achieve it, without success. Later on, Lucy managed to achieve Unison Raid again with Wendy Marvell, combining Scorpio's Sand Buster with Wendy's Sky Dragon's Roar in a single, powerful vortex, which, together with Gray Fullbuster's Ice-Make: Hammer, greatly enhanced Natsu Dragneel's speed, allowing him to strike Hades with his Fire Dragon's Sword Horn.
    • Hydro Screw: After Aquarius was summoned and creates a large amount of water, Lucy and Juvia were able to combine their power and create a powerful whirlpool of water.
    • Sky Dragon's Roar & Sand Buster: Lucy and Wendy combine Wendy's Sky Dragon Slayer Magic and Scorpio's Sand Magic to increase the destructive power of both attacks.
  • Fairy Sphere: After utilizing the instructions from the book that Mavis wrote for its incantation, Lucy is able to cast the Magic. With it and the power of the other Fairy Tail member, she is able to create an ethereal orb, which is one of the most indestructible defense Magics available; even someone of the magnitude of Acnologia cannot break it.
  • Gottfried: A super Magic which is long forgotten. To activate the Magic, the casters must kneel on the ground and hold hands, while one has to recite the incantation. Whilst chanting, an aura will encase the casters, which will surge upwards, and stars will slowly fill up the heavens; as the caster yells out the spell's name, the aura will become a beam, together with the stars shining brighter, swirling around the target. However, the spell will inflict pain to the users. The spell was powerful enough to shatter the Celestial Globe to pieces. Lucy cast the spell by joining her Magic with Yukino and Hisui E. Fiore.
  • Magic Card: As a Holder Magic user, Lucy attempted to utilize Cana's Magic Cards in order to imprison her targets.
    • Card Conversion: Lucy uses Cana's cards to imprison others inside a pocket dimension.
  • Enhanced Durability: Despite her fragile appearance and her tendency to avoid combat, Lucy has proven herself to be quite resilient: she was able to survive the assault of a sadistic Zero, while she was still unconscious and somehow get back up; withstand a barrage of kicks from Kain Hikaru, an individual capable of breaking down trees and rocks through sheer physical power, without incapacitating damage, and also endure Kain trying to crush her head with his massive arms. Later on, during Team Natsu's fight with Hades, she survived being blasted, together with Erza, by one of his explosions.
  • Enhanced Endurance: Lucy has been shown to have great physical stamina. When having Taurus and Aries gates opened for a long while, she hasn't shown to have any fatigue at all when they were absorbed by Franmalth. After being heavily injured by Franmalth using Hades Formula 28, she was able to hold herself against Tartarus. And even after being hurt by Jackal's explosions and while exhausted having two gates opened at once, she was able to open a third gate which is known to be a forbidden technique.
  • Enhanced Speed: Lucy has shown remarkable speed, being capable of evading most of Lisanna's attacks while in her feline form which is known for having quick movements and attacks.
  • Keen Intellect: Lucy has proven herself to be a very intelligent, logical and intuitive Mage. She was able to figure out that Bora had slipped a sleeping drug in her wine without tasting it. Being an avid reader, she has also shown to be adept at solving words-related puzzles and riddles: she was able to see through the spell which Zekua Melon cast onto his Daybreak book and work out the book's true content. In addition, during the S-Class Trial, she figured out the location of Mavis Vermillion's grave with relative ease through the use of the "clues" hidden in the Trial's setup, being apparently the only member of Fairy Tail to achieve this. Lucy also uses her intellect as an advantage to help herself and friends in winning battles by tricking her opponents. By the year X792, through notes and observation, Lucy can tell that Scarmiglione hid their true strength, and she predicted the outcome of their battle with ease. Lucy is also the one who came up with the plan of using a Dragon Slayer's weakness against Acnologia and trapping him inside Fairy Sphere.
  • Magic Sensor: Lucy has shown to be able to sense Magic to a certain extent. This was first seen when she was battling against the Nine Demon Gates in Alegria, being able to sense all her comrades Magic despite being ensnared by the monster. After the one year time skip, during the Grand Magic Games, she was able to sense that the members of Scarmiglione were easily more powerful than their opponents, despite their efforts in hiding their strength, and could quickly tell that the intruder was much more stronger and dangerous before he even displayed his power.
  • Expert Whip Specialist: Despite not being often shown due to her tendency to avoid battle or have her Spirits fight for her, she is efficient in using a whip, being skilled enough to grab opponents through its use, and to employ it as an effective weapon at short-to-mid range.
  • Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While not as proficient as the other members of Team Natsu, Lucy possesses some skill in melee combat. In addition, while never relying on punches, likely due to her limited physical strength, Lucy possesses some kicking prowess, as seen during the Phantom Lord arc, she was able to send Reedus flying with a simple kick despite him being much larger than she is. After one year time skip, Lucy employs some armed and unarmed combat in conjunction with some of her Star Dress forms to have more advantage in battle.
    • Lucy Kick: A so-called "final attack" which is more of a simple, non-magical melee move: Lucy lashes out in her target's direction, then jumps and uses the gained momentum to strike the opponent with a simple kick. While not particularly powerful or exclusive in its performance, this attack was effective enough to defeat the leader of the Dark Guild Naked Mummy raid squadron sent to rob the Love & Lucky Guild as well as Bickslow during the S-Class Promotion Trial.
      • Double Lucy Kick: Lucy and Gemini jumps and uses the gained momentum to strike their opponent with two simple kicks at the same time.


  • Celestial Spirit Gate Keys: Her basic items are her Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. Currently, she has fourteen different keys.
    • Gold Keys:
      • Gate of the Water Bearer Key: Summoned the Water Bearer, Aquarius.
      • Gate of the Golden Bull Key: Summons the Golden Bull, Taurus.
      • Gate of the Giant Crab Key: Summons the Giant Crab, Cancer.
      • Gate of the Maiden Key: Summons the Maiden, Virgo.
      • Gate of the Archer Key: Summons the Archer, Sagittarius.
      • Gate of the Lion Key: Summons the Lion, Loke.
      • Gate of the Twins Key: Summons the Twins, Gemini.
      • Gate of the Ram Key: Summons the Ram, Aries.
      • Gate of the Scorpion Key: Summons the Scorpion, Scorpio.
      • Gate of the Goat Key: Summons the Goat, Capricorn.
    • Silver Keys:
      • Gate of the Southern Cross Key: Summons the Southern Cross, Crux.
      • Gate of the Clock Key: Summons the Clock, Horologium.
      • Gate of the Lyre Key: Summons the Lyre, Lyra.
      • Gate of the Canis Minor Key: Summons the Canis Minor, Nikora (Plue).
      • Gate of the Compass Key: Summons the The Compass, Pyxis.
  • Normal Whip: A normal whip which Lucy initially employed as her weapon of choice. It was brown in color, completely covered in small rhombs, and possessed a notably large handle, in comparison to the thin rope part. It ended in a distinctive, heart-shaped cracker. Lucy was usually shown carrying it around rolled up, secured to her left hip via a small clasp on her belt.
  • Fleuve d'étoiles: An extendable whip coming from the constellation of Eridanus, in the Celestial Spirit World. After losing her standard whip during her imprisonment in Edolas, Lucy was given this weapon by Virgo to fight Byro, in order to avoid depleting all of her Magic Power by summoning her Spirits. While not in use, only the whip's handle is visible, this possessing a simple, cylindrical form, with a dark central part and lighter edges; the lower one is covered in stud-like ornaments and has a small rope hanging from it, to which a star-shaped pendant is attached. When the weapon is being used, a jet of flowing water is created from the handle, which remains compact, and twists as if it were a whip's rope part. The water seems to have material properties, with Lucy being capable of grabbing foes or objects with it, as well as to perform attacks. The Fleuve d'étoiles is Lucy's current weapon, with her carrying it around in the very same spot which her old whip used to have, attached to her belt, in correspondence to her left hip. When needed, the Fleuve d'étoiles can also be summoned by Lucy where ever she is located, that includes being in a parallel universe like Elentear.
  • ColorS: Lucy stated possessing this very common Magic Item. It's a book-shaped device that allows the user to change the color of their outfit according to their mood.
  • Gale-Force Reading Glasses: Lucy, being an avid reader, possesses a pair of enchanted reading glasses, allowing her to read at an extremely accelerated rate. Through their use, she was capable of reading Daybreak, a full book, in only a few minutes. Having a simple, plain dark frame and elongated oval lenses, the only distinctive traits of such magical glasses are the small carvings on the left lens' bottom left part, depicting a small wing flanked by a pair of stylized hearts, as well as the wing-like protrusion on the side of the frame. It's currently unknown what rate of reading speed Lucy's pair provides.
  • Light Pen: Lucy possesses this special type of pen, which she uses to rewrite E.N.D.'s book.
  • Earring Communications Lacrima: During an infiltration mission on Stella, Lucy and some of her teammates wore a pair of earpieces that would allow them to speak with each other via audio communication with those who have the same accessory. The item appears as an earring with a blue Lacrima dangling from a small chain.



  • Lucy: Using Urano Metria, Lucy was able to defeat Demon Lord Jackal
  • Lucy: Can carry large logs 
  • Lucy: Engulfed a portion of a town with a blast
  • Taurus: Destroyed a giant Lacrima
  • Lucy: Can send her enemies flying with her Luck Kick and Lucy Punch.
  • Celestial Spirit King: Punctured a massive hole through the Plutogrim Cube, splitting it into pieces
  • Celestial Spirit King: Carved a massive trench through the ground to the horizon
  • All of her Celestial Spirits working together were able to overpower a dragon and close the Eclipse Door.


  • Lucy: Can keep Drake's magic bullets, for a comparison real life guns can move at 1700 m/s, and Drake's bullets can easily move faster
  • Taurus: Deflected all the pellets from a shotgun blast.


  • Aquarius: Blocked Jackal's explosions
  • Horologium: Can protect Lucy from attacks as powerful as Jacob's Assasination Magic


  • Using too much magic can greatly weaken Lucy, or even Kill her
  • Using Urano Metria requires help  from her spirits, Gemini
  • Not much of a melee fighter compared to her collegues or spirits
  • By summoning the Celestial Spirit King, Lucy must break one of her existing Gold Key Spirit Keys
  • She is very ticklish on her whole body

Fun Facts[]

  • Lucy Heartfillia has a great relationship with her celestial spirits, which leads to those spirits being willing to do almost anything for her. Evidence of this is Aquarius insisting Lucy break her key to save all of her friends during the Tartaros Arc.
  • Lucy Heartfilia has multiple versions of herself from other world / times who she and her guild come across throughout the manga and anime adaptation.
  • Edolas Lucy Ashley; Lucy Ashley was first introduced in the Edolas Arc, her appearance was almost identical to Heartfilia’s only that her appearance and choice of clothing was clearly different. She seemed far more confident and harsher than Heartfilia.
  • Future Lucy (Last Name Unknown); Future Lucy was first introduced in the Grand Magic Games Arc, first noticed by Jellal Fernandes. She was found lurking around the area where the Grand Magic Games were being held. She was seen crying while watching Natsu fight beside Gajeel against Sting and Rouge the twin dragons, due to her being from the future she understood that Natsu was fighting in honour of her (for her) making her emotional. Soon she revealed herself to Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Mirajane Strauss, Erza Scarlet along with those with them. Due to her being trapped she had no other choice but to reveal herself, they all seemed surprised to see an identical Lucy stand in front of them. Soon after Future Rouge is after revenge shooting a powerful blast at magic towards Lucy Heartfilia, although Future Lucy jumps in front and ends up dying.
  • Lucy Heartfilia’s guild mark is located on the front of her right hand in the color pink, this is assumed to have significance to Natsu taking her right hand and bringing her into Fairy Tail, the pink to symbolize his salmon pink hair.
  • Lucy Heartfilia has never been in a relationship with a boy or girl.
  • Lucy Heartfilia has never had a real crush, although she has had small feelings towards Natsu Dragneel when it is shown her getting all worked up about him thinking he was asking her on a date.