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The Hands of Death could not defeat me, the Sisters of Fate could not hold me, and you will not see the end of this day!! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!
~ Kratos

Kratos is an anti-hero, and the main protagonist of the video game series God of War.


Kratos was a violent spartan warrior, a mighty general and a demigod born from the lions of Zeus. During his lifetime, he offered to enter servitude to Ares, to gain the power to defeat a barbarian horde. However, Ares tricked Kratos into killing his own wife and daughter in a fit of rage, in the hopes that it would make him a better warrior. This would resulted into breaking his oath, as he sought revenge against his former master. His skin bleached white with the ashes of his family, Kratos made it his personal mission to kill Ares for what he did. Though he did succeed in killing Ares and becoming the new God of War, Kratos ended up seeking revenge against all of Olympus after Zeus, afraid of his son becoming too powerful to control, betrayed him and made an attempt on his life.

After killing all the Gods of Olympus and nearly ending the world in his quest for revenge, Kratos found himself in the realm of the Norse Gods. He would soon afterwards meet a woman named Faye, who he fell in love with, married, and had a son named Atreus with. However, he ended up spending most of Atreus' youth as a distant father, which complicated their relationship when Faye ended up dying. To honor her request that her family scatter her ashes from the highest peak in the Nine Realms, Kratos set off with Atreus in hopes of honoring his love' last wish, reconnecting with his estranged son, and escaping the wrath of the Norse Gods, who have began hunting Kratos after learning of his true nature.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Transcendental God Physiology: As the son of the King of the Olympian Gods, Zeus and to the mortal woman Callisto, Kratos was born a demigod, already granting him superhuman status. Already beyond most mortals and monsters, to where armies of them pose no threat to him, his acquiring of the Power of Hope and becoming a true God; the God of War, as well as numerous absorption and exposure of various powers during his life dramatically enhanced Kratos' powers, allowing him to kill all the Olympian Gods and Titans. After leaving Greece, with the magics he had lost to him, and being older, its ambiguous whether Kratos' godly physical prowess and abilities have grown or reduced over time. Despite suppressing his power, Kratos is still far more powerful and capable of dispatching armies of monsters in the Nine Realms. He can also easily fight on par with and overpower Norse Gods on the level of Magni, Modi, Heimdall, Baldur, and Týr, the former two being the powerful sons of Thor and the latter three being among the strongest of the Æsir as the sons of Odin. Kratos even managed to match blows with and eventually defeat Thor, the physically strongest and second most powerful Norse God, in their battle at Ragnarök. The idea of his interference in Ragnarök makes even Odin afraid of him, with him avoiding conflict with the God of War/Ghost of Sparta until Kratos was weakened before their final fight and Kratos, while weakened from his fights in the Twilight of Asgard, especially against Thor after overcoming the hordes of Asgard's army, being the one who primarily handled the All-Father between himself, Atreus, and Freya.
    • Immortality: Kratos has been cursed for his sins to never be able to die, henceforth how he survived his suicide with the Blade of Olympus. Despite physically aging, he will not die from old age and his aging has seemingly been halted by the time he was an old man, as he remained in his 50's up to when he first met his second wife to when he finally completed his journeys in the Norse Realm.
    • Superhuman Strength: Kratos possesses incredible superhuman strength, which only grows over time, eventually reaching immeasurable levels. While being originaly defeated by Alrik, later, he was able to easily subdue and rip apart many large and powerful beasts and creatures such as Undead Legionnaires, infected humans, monsters, and magical beings using only his bare hands, including even the Hydra. Kratos was later capable of matching, overpowering and even killing the Gods themselves with his raw strength, such as Ares, Helios, who he casually decapitated with his bare hands, Poseidon, who he ripped out of his watery construct, beat down with his bare hands, removed his eyes and snapped his neck, Hades, who he pushed back and then ripped out the soul of using the Claws of Hades, and finally Zeus, who he was able to beat to death. He also prevented both Cronos and Atlas, the two strongest Titans, from crushing him with their fingers and even overpowered Cronos when he tried to crush him with two hands. In his battle against Hercules, who is considered to be unrivaled in terms of sheer strength, Kratos proved himself stronger, capable of stopping his charges and even forcing him backward and also able to break free from his bear hugs, throwing Hercules with great ease over a great distance, overpowering and pummeling him to death despite his brother's invulnerability. Even after becoming older, rusty and suppressing his power, Kratos still remains extraordinarily strong in Midgard. He could effortlessly lift and throw massive boulders, easily exert more than enough force to overpower and slaughter monsters with raw strength alone, such as snapping the neck of a troll, crushing the head of a monster, tearing apart the rock-like forms of certain creatures, and lift enormous weights, as shown when he pushed the World bridge surrounding Týr's Temple with little effort and flipped the entire Tyr´s temple with similar ease. Kratos also still has more than enough strength to take on and defeat powerful Norse Gods as he effortlessly overpowered Modi, easily ripping his mace from him and stunning and wounding him enough with a single punch to make him retreat, instantly pushed aside Magni, and overpowered Baldur in raw strength with considerable effort, managing to restrain him firmly, free himself from Baldur's grasp, and ultimately snap his neck. After the death of Baldur, he trains together with Atreus throughout Fimbulwinter to prepare for more upcoming threats, eventually returning back to peak shape. By the time Kratos encounters Heimdall, he easily overpowered him in terms of strength, casually gaining the upper hand in grapples and drawing blood with a single punch before utterly beating him badly with three slams to the ground, killing him by choking him to death within a matter of moments. He could physically overpower and subdue the Valkyries, using his bare hands to rip apart their wings and break out of their grip. With only one hand, Kratos physically overpowered Freya, tossing her sword attack aside with his shield, freeing himself from Freya holding him down, and ripping Freya's sword off him despite her resistance. Kratos was also strong enough to contend with Thor, the Norse God of Strength and the physically strongest of them all, when both of them were holding back (Kratos due to his usual insistence on not becoming the old monster he once was and Thor due to Odin's orders); he was able to draw blood from Thor, eventually break free of his grips, and repeatedly hold a well-matched physical struggle with Thor, such as when he pushed Thor a distance away with the Guardian Shield and kept him at bay before he divided his hand into summoning the Leviathan Axe and when they grappled with Thor's Mjölnir on even terms over the air with the Leviathan Axe, with Thor having to physically slam him down with his free hand. Despite being overwhelmed by Thor's tenacity and briefly restrained by a chokehold to the neck, by unleashing his true strength due to being completely enraged, Kratos was strong enough to break free and deliver a blow that send Thor staggering and knocked a tooth off him. Later on, when they fought in Ragnarök, while fighting seriously and holding back to a much lesser extent than before, Kratos ultimately proved to be stronger than the Æsir-Jötnar hybrid, managing to successfully pin him down and pummel him before he let Thor go for a while, swiftly break free from Thor's grip on his hand and impale him with the Draupnir Spear to send him flying, physically lift and toss Thor a distance away, and clashed the Leviathan Axe into Mjölnir with sufficient force to eventually rip the hammer out of Thor's hand and stab him before lifting him into the air with the Axe lodged in his stomach and knocking him down to the ground. Soon after defeating Thor, Kratos retained enough strength to physically battle with Odin, manhandling and throwing the All-Father away and his blows having visibly greater impact on Odin compared to Atreus and Freya as they worked together to critically injure and overpower the King of the Æsir. While traveling in Valhalla, Kratos was twice able to defy the makings of Valhalla through sheer strength alone, first when he forcefully opened the sealed doors of the realm, a feat that even Freya found insurmountable, and when he managed to rip open the cage he accidentally trapped Mimir in to be sacrificed, although both occasions proved ultimately unfruitful as he was still susceptible to the curse of breaching Valhalla and could not escape the consequences of breaking the rules of Valhalla when he saved Mimir. With considerable effort, Kratos was able to outmatch Týr in battle, physically overpowering the even larger Norse God of War in a grapple, stunning and knocking him a few feet back with a single punch to the face, and even casually lifting and throwing him to the ground, his punch when blocked by Týr causing a shockwave.
    • Nigh-Invulnerability: Kratos is extraordinarily durable. He can easily fall from great heights and walk away unharmed, and could easily withstand crushing, stabbings, beatings, and powerful magical attacks with little injuries, attacks that would instantly kill any normal human, beast or even other demigods, having taken numerous exceedingly strong physical attacks from the Gods and Titans and mostly survived with only minor wounds and damage. In the Norse Realm, Kratos remains tremendously durable despite his age, although initially hampered by his lack of fighting against threatening opponents and also due to Kratos holding himself back. He withstood multiple harsh attacks from Baldur, with Baldur needing three rounds of fighting to beat him to a bloody pulp and even then Kratos was better off than Baldur in terms of physical injuries by the end of their first fight. Even with his continued restraint of his full power, Kratos managed to withstand multiple extremely strong blows from Thor, whose blows were stated by him to be as heavy as any he had felt, with only average damage and continue fighting, although he was briefly knocked down by the God of Thunder before being awakened to continue their fight. At peak shape, Kratos proved capable of easily taking blows from an utterly bloodlusted and enraged Thor, being thrown several feet away, punched and even shrugging off a hit with Mjölnir to the head with little damage. Afterwards, Kratos survived being impaled through the side with Gungnir with ease despite being worn off unlike Thor who, in a similar state, died from being impaled through the chest. He is also fully capable of surviving in extreme environments, as he was unaffected by the cold of Hel, which not even Odin could physically survive without using a spell, nor the heat of Muspelheim, and was able to withstand the flow of Surtr's flames into his Blades of Chaos with only minimum pain. With considerable effort, Kratos was able to withstand the Light of Alfheim to enter and collect the light needed to continue his journey with Atreus, with him being completely unfazed by attempting to breach the Light whereas just touching burned Atreus's hand and knocked him back, a feat that Odin, disguised as Týr, found highly shocking and implied not even he or anyone else could achieve without dying
    • Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Kratos is incredibly fast, having utilized his superhuman speed, and also has stupendous fighting reflexes, capable of matching the likes of Zeus who has the speed of lightning, Castor and Pollux using Chronokinesis in combat. He was also able to keep up with Hermes using his boots enough to successfully stay on his tracks and after he was weakened, defeat him. His speed surpassed the Sisters of Fate, as shown when he could easily fight and outpace two of them at once, tagging them while also avoiding their attacks. His old age seemed to have not diminished his speed, as he still remained exceptionally fast. He was able to deliver multiple fatal blows to Magni within seconds without the demigod being able to react at all. With considerable effort, he was able to eventually overcome Baldur's light speed, and Heimdall's near-teleportational speeds, successfully reacting to their attacks, keeping up with them in vicious exchanges, and eventually delivering attacks that defeated them. Even in a physically drained state, Kratos was able to battle with Thor, delivering numerous blows on the God of Thunder and reacting to a decent amount of Thor's attacks, before he was eventually caught, and in their final battle, Kratos was eventually able to outpace Thor with considerable effort, managing to avoid Thor's fierce charge and swiftly beat up on him and impale his hand before he could get up.
    • Superhuman Agility: Kratos has tremendous agility, capable of easily climbing mountains and buildings, jumping great heights and landing without any problems, and swinging on ropes to cross long gaps. His coordination is also remarkable, being able to easily stay on top of struggling beasts.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Kratos possesses an almost unlimited amount of stamina compared to a mortal man, allowing him to remain constantly active for days without tiring. This allows him to accomplish such feats as spending days scaling the temple of Pandora to reach Pandora's Box or taking down enormous monsters that require him to stay on the move. Should Kratos expend all his stamina, he only momentarily requires rest or food to restore it. In the Norse Realm, Kratos' old age has somewhat reduced his stamina and vitality, exacerbated by his lack of practice against powerful opponents, but he still remained exceptionally vigorous even at the beginning of his and Atreus' journey, being able to fight and defeat Baldur three times despite Baldur's invulnerability meant whenever Kratos killed him, he would quickly resurrect, and still had just enough strength to walk back to his home. As he continued to journey, his stamina steadily grew stronger as he started to become accustomed to performing at intense levels once again, traversing the Nine Realms while defeating countless enemies with increasingly greater vigor and even besting gods on Magni and Baldur's level, all while showing only minimum fatigue. By the end of Fimbulwinter, Kratos demonstrated greater stamina than before already from the start of his second journey, with Mimir commenting that at this point, Kratos could stay awake for days without trouble, as he was able to fight off Freya in an intense battle while showing no fatigue. After only a few moments to rest, he was able to search for Atreus for hours, overpower his bear form in a fierce fight without slowing down despite being noticeably challenged by his son's transformation, and with only a few moments of rest, had enough energy to reach a stalemate with Thor in a brutal prolonged battle with only minimum effect on his performance, and despite the clear strain and fatigue from the affair, managed to follow his son to the mural of the Celestial Wolves all the way to Sindri's cabin. During Ragnarök, Kratos fought through numerous forces of Asgard, including the "endless" army of the Einherjar, up until he finally defeated Thor, still having enough strength afterwards to handle and defeat Odin with help from Atreus and Freya.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Kratos' regenerative healing factor allows him to heal & regenerate from injuries at a fast rate, making him able to recover from attacks that would normally kill other beings. He can also regenerate even from being hit by divine beings or divine weaponry, although in case for divine weapons, they can still leave behind scratches and scars. If needed, Kratos can focus his energy and rage to heal himself almost instantly from even severe injuries, being able to heal from damage caused by the likes of Baldur and Thor.
    • Superhuman Senses: Kratos’ senses are heightened, which make him aware of his surroundings and to sense danger when it's near.
    • Anger Empowerment: Kratos was able to tap into his overwhelming volumes of rage for greater physical prowess and the ability to increases his superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, and invulnerability, making him more invincible. He can also harness the ultimate powers of his rage in several magical weapons in his arsenal. In Greece, he was only able to channel his anger through the powers of the Blades of Chaos, Blade of Olympus, and the blessed ashes of Prometheus and the power of Thera, but by the time of his journeys in the Norse lands, Kratos' experience and relentless training to master his rage granted him the ability to freely call upon concentrated bursts of his powerful Spartan Rage, allowing him to become wild but focused aggressive barrage of attacks. He even managed to develop his skill with the ability to where he was able to manifest it in numerous forms, capable of only healing himself or unleashing a devastating attack from the power of his weapons.
  • Gifted Intellect: Though often knocked for just being a brute, Kratos could demonstrate a surprising amount of intelligence and wisdom to deal with numerous non-combative threats in his way. By the time he settled in the Norse Pantheon, Kratos' intelligence and wisdom has grown further due to his experiences. His intelligence primarily manifests itself in a remarkable degree of deductive analysis throughout his journeys, which has only sharpened in time as he experienced both numerous intellectually challenging situations and manipulations/deceits. Numerous times, he was able to solve complex puzzles and problems that were made by some of the greatest intellects of Greece. During his travels across the Norse lands to spread Faye's ashes, Kratos swiftly figured out the right way through the numerous Nordic puzzles in his way, which were made by the likes of the Giants and Týr, among the greatest minds in the Nine Realms, even managing to guide Atreus into solving the puzzle while he himself was trapped. Kratos has also developed an uncanny knack for deducing whenever something was wrong and if a person is hiding something from him, even with only minor hints, from his experience of being tricked numerous times, as displayed by his quick wariness with Freya due to correctly deducing she was no mere mortal or witch, due to her godhood. He was also quick to deduce after learning Freya is Baldur's mother that Freya bewitched Mímir to ensure he couldn't tell them Baldur's weakness, and even swiftly saw through Mimir's efforts to conceal knowledge about the Valkyries. He accurately predicted that a ghost's offer to reunite him and Atreus with Faye was but a mere trick, and his correct insight that Atreus was seriously thinking of going to Odin.
    • Master Tactician: Kratos has proven to be quite cunning and resourceful, being able to make good use of the environment and available tools to come up with ways to systematically defeat his enemies and swiftly adapt to unexpected situations, as shown when he repeatedly turned his enemies' weapons against them, quickly figured out a way to break through the ice created by Thamur in his dying breath using Thamur's gigantic hammer, and came up with a successful plan to turn the War Machines used by Asgard against them by using it to destroy the Great Lodge.
    • Master Leader: Kratos was an exceptionally effective leader, being given the title of general of the Spartan Army and leading his soldiers to numerous victories, and later led his own men when he became the new God of War unchallenged until the Gods themselves interfered. Even Atreus admits despite not getting along with Kratos that his father is definitely capable in leading the way for both of them, and usually follows him without hesitation. Despite his initial reluctance, Kratos was able to lead the armies of Ragnarök against Asgard effectively, giving decisive commands that were followed through without hesitation. Faye even foresaw that Kratos' leadership skills would allow him to unite all the Nine Realms after Ragnarök.
    • Expert Deceiver: To a certain extent, Kratos has been able to trick his enemies by making use of their emotions to his advantage, using Megaera's anger against him and feigning defeat to Zeus to catch him off-guard. During his first journey with Atreus, he was able to successfully keep up the facade of being a simply exceptional mortal rather than a God, limiting his powers to a sufficient degree to keep his son from suspecting it, before eventually coming clean.
  • Indomitable Will: Determined and dedicated to anything he sets his mind to, Kratos has demonstrated great willpower and fortitude during his journeys. During the Greek Era, Kratos was driven by his need for vengeance and refused to give up until he killed those who wronged him, and was able to accomplish feats that were believed impossible, such as killing a God, getting into the Domain of Death to save his brother, obtaining Pandora's Box, escaping from the Underworld, changing his fate, and killing Zeus. His enormous mental strength was depicted by how he could successfully break free from illusions and resist great magics, as shown when he broke free from the Furies' illusions, stopped Hades from ripping his soul, and resisted Aphrodite's seduction. After moving to the Norse Realms and finding love again and having Atreus, Kratos' willpower, no longer driven by his rage, but instead by love for his newfound family, has only grown wiser due to being tempered by his experiences. Driven by a desire to be a good father to Atreus and ensure his son does not repeat his mistakes, Kratos' willingness allowed him to hold himself back even when Atreus acts defiant, simply and patiently telling him to follow and restraining his anger, and he refused to give up even as Atreus became more arrogant upon learning he was a God, persisting until he was finally able to make Atreus sense his emotions. Despite the loss of Faye and his grief over it, he was able to remain strong due to Atreus, and his love for Faye drove him to not only travel to the highest mountain in Midgard, but even willing to reach Jötunheim despite the immense difficulty all for the sake of scattering her ashes as she wished in the right place.
  • Master Combatant: Supplementing Kratos' extraordinary physical powers are his terrifying, unparalleled levels of battle prowess, being phenomenally lethal and dangerous in all forms of combat, both armed and unarmed, acquired from years of training as a Spartan, which already sufficed to make him the greatest Spartan General, having killed and slain dozens of enemies for Sparta. His combat skills was further honed by experiencing numerous difficult ordeals during his service to the Gods and triumphing over armies and powerful monsters, to where he became a "warrior without equal", meaning Kratos is the greatest warrior to ever walk Greece, as his prowess eventually reached levels where with the divine weapons granted to him and his superior physical prowess, Kratos bested and killed all the Gods and Titans in his path, despite them having significantly greater experience in combat and also natural usage of divine magics, displaying evidently superior fighting prowess. Upon settling in Midgard, despite having not engaged in combat with god-level enemies for decades and his old age, Kratos' fighting skills have only grown in time, relying more on battle prowess rather than sheer rage, described by Mimir as the most proficient killer he had ever seen, even in comparison to most of the war-loving tribe of the Æsir. Despite the restraints on his power and also being burdened by Atreus' fragility and his son's undeveloped physical abilities and skills, Kratos' combat skill made him more than capable of dispatching countless of monsters in battle. Despite the burdens on him, Kratos was able to aptly handle the formidable sons of Thor, while being particularly hindered by Atreus' emotions going wild by Modi's taunts, slaying Magni in combat and forcing Modi to escape in fear. In his first fight with Baldur, Kratos was capable of defeating the invulnerable and previously unbeatable finest tracker of Odin three times, even with Baldur having the advantage of superior fitness as he revived with all the damage Kratos dealt to him gone and felt no exhaustion from the fight. Even while briefly overtaken and hampered by Atreus' arrogance at the time, Kratos still successfully fended off Baldur in their second fight and even had a slight edge before they were forced to conclude the fight in a stalemate. In their third fight, Kratos was ultimately able to defeat Baldur once again with minimum help from Atreus. He also successfully defeated the corrupted Valkyries, including even their formidable Regent Queen Sigrún, his skill leaving Sigrun utterly impressed to where she adamantly believed and insisted Freya ally with Kratos instead of seeking vengeance, as he would be an invaluable ally against Asgard. He was also able to repeatedly survive the attempts of Freya, the true Queen of the Valkyries, to kill him and push her back, and fought with Freya when she had recovered her Valkyrie wings, temporarily only losing just because he recognized her and got distracted by this, with Freya noting Kratos never really fought her and was holding back all along. Despite being regarded by Thor himself as holding back in their first fight and also being hampered by not being at full strength and having the full extent of his equipment, he was still able to contend with the mightiest warrior of Asgard for a prolonged period of time, skillfully holding off a decent amount of Thor's aggressive assault and managing to deliver numerous blows in his own right before Thor eventually gained the upper hand and forced Kratos to end their fight in a stalemate, with Thor admitting Kratos was indeed formidable and it was only natural his sons and brother would have lost to him, and in their second fight, while Thor went all-out, Kratos still restrained himself from dealing the finishing blow and still managed to eventually defeat him when both had been worn out from battles in Ragnarök. Kratos was also able to successfully stay in combat with Heimdall despite him using his Foresight and eventually become the only person to not only land a single hit on the so-called undefeatable vigilant of the Æsir, but also defeat him, adapting to his precognition swiftly and quickly overpowering and killing Odin's left-hand man. Afterwards, despite all the battle he has been through in Ragnarök, Kratos was still able to hold his ground against Odin himself despite his usage of spells, even managing to overwhelm him at one point before Odin turned the tides using his magic to cast a binding spell, and with help from Atreus and Freya, he was able to overtake the All-Father and eventually defeat him. Kratos also defeated all the Berserkers, including their King Hrólf Kraki and defeated the Valkyrie Queen and the Vanir Goddess Gná, comparable in strength to Freya. While in Valhalla, Kratos fought and overwhelmed Týr repeatedly into yielding and eventually admitting defeat in numerous fierce duels as part of the trial to prove his readiness to continue until the end, despite Týr using fighting styles and weapons from lands foreign to Kratos, with the Norse God of War admitting Kratos as being his superior in combat and describing him as being unstoppable.
    • Sword Mastery: Kratos is an exceptionally skilled swordsman, blades being among his most primary type of weaponry. He used the Sword of Valor to kill many enemies with masterful expertise as a Spartan general, and with divine swords such as the Blade of the Gods, and the Blade of Olympus, he was able to skillfully fight and slay powerful enemies such as Ares, the Colossus of Rhodes, Cronos and Gaia. Despite rarely fighting with blades in the Norse Realm, Kratos is shown to retain his skill in swordsmanship whenever the occasions presented it, wielding a sword summoned by runic attacks to easily deliver devastating attacks as well as stealing and dispatching Light Elves with their own weapon easily.
    • Hammer Expertise: Kratos was able to use the Barbarian Hammer easily and with remarkable skill.
    • Axe Mastery: Kratos is extremely skilled with axes, wielding Faye's Leviathan Axe with devastating proficiency to skillfully kill numerous monsters. At one point, Kratos was able to kill off Magni with a series of precise blows at fatal spots in a matter of moments. He was even able to successfully wield the Leviathan Axe against Thor and his usage of Mjölnir, fulfilling the purpose of Leviathan's creation, managing to overwhelm Thor enough to finally make him draw his hammer and eventually best and disarm Thor of his hammer with the Axe in their final duel, and managed to impale Odin in the shoulder with the axe.
    • Chain Mastery: Kratos is exceedingly skilled in the manipulation of chained weaponry such as the Blades of Chaos; his trademark weapon, the Blades of Athena, the Blades of Exile, the Claws of Hades, and the Nemesis Whip, with great precision and proficiency to devastatingly assault his foes over any distance and at high-speed, use them as a means to swing over chasms and also use them as a restraint on his foes.
    • Shield Mastery: Kratos is exceptionally skilled in using a shield, Guardian Shield, masterfully using it for numerous purposes, such as effectively defending against numerous projectiles or close-range attacks and even able to use it offensively, skillfully countering close-range attacks and delivering numerous attacks.
    • Spear Mastery: Kratos is an exceptionally skilled spearman, having wielded the Spear of Destiny and Arms of Sparta with great skill. Upon receiving the Draupnir Spear, a magic ring which creates limitless amount of its namesake spears, his skill proved to be still as sharp of ever, able to use the spear to successfully overpower Heimdall in combat and even match Odin's own in their fateful confrontation.
    • Master Marksman: He is also a highly skilled marksman, capable of using ranged weapons (throwing weapons and bows) with devastating ease and proficiency. He is also able to apply his marksmanship with the Leviathan Axe, as he can throw it at his target and can summon it back to him.
    • Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Although primarily using weapons, Kratos is also an exceptional martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, proficient in numerous techniques of Greek wrestling, boxing, and Pankration, able to skillfully wrestle and throw down enemies and unleash fast-paced barrages of uppercuts, punches, kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and spinning haymakers that can easily and quickly overwhelm most opponents. His unarmed fighting skills can easily subdue even powerful monsters and multiple opponents, even at one point dispatching numerous Asgardian soldiers with a single hand while the other was carrying Freyr. Even without weapons, Kratos was able to defeat the extremely skilled hand-to-hand fighter Baldur in single combat three times, although not without extreme effort and being initially pressured by his skill, as well as battle back Thor in unarmed combat, managing to maneuver out of Thor's grip and deliver numerous blows on him, even at one point gaining the upper hand and pummeling him decisively for a short moment. He also easily disarmed and bested Modi while enraged, and even overpowered Freya using solely his skill in unarmed combat, reversing her hold on him, delivering attacks that knocked her off him when she tried to break his neck, and even disarming her of her sword at their final exchange, all while having the use of only one hand. Kratos even outmaneuvered Odin in the final battle against him unarmed, lifting and tossing him aside and helping Freya and Atreus swiftly beat him down.
  • Master Swimmer: Kratos, thanks to his superhuman stamina, is a skilled swimmer, capable of swimming at great distances and going underwater to reach his destinations.

Elemental Powers (Greek)[]

  • Power Absorption: Throughout his life, Kratos has been shown to absorb power from various sources, be it Gods or Titans. Among the greatest power, he has absorbed the Power of Hope, unlocked Pandora's Box, and even succesfully went inside the Flame of Olympus. This therefore allowed him to kill the immortal Olympians and despite releasing it in his suicide attempt, it seems that the part of Hope is still inside him. Kratos also seems to absorb the greatest feature from Gods or out of powerful creatures he kills. He absorbed Hades' soul in God of War III, which was incredibly important to Kratos' power level. Kratos also became the God of Death in some ways, as he killed Thanatos, which most likely added to his already immense powers. These abilities were no longer present after he moved to and settled in Midgard. Kratos revealed that he tried to use some of these abilities, but could not, and Freya or Atreus commented this was possibly due to the destruction of his homeland. It is possible that Kratos' immense strength, durability, and resistance to magical and divine power are partly due to his constant exposure to and absorption of various different powers during his life, which are traits that he retains permanently despite the destruction of his homeland.
  • Atmokinesis: With the Blade of Olympus, Kratos can summon a massive tornado by slamming the blade to the ground.
  • Aerokinesis: With Typhon's Bane, Kratos can fire gusts of wind and homing wind blasts and generate whirlwinds and tempests.
  • Electrokinesis: Kratos had gained the power to manipulate electricity from various sources throughout his life. First, he gained Lightning of Zeus from Python's Belly, allowing him to empower his blade with lightning to shock enemies and create electrical fields and mines as well as his chain and also create a large vortex of electric energy. He then acquired the Gauntlet of Zeus, which allowed him to use electricity to greatly increase his speed and enhance his blows with electricity as well as unleash lethal jolts. He was also given two versions of lightning magic: Zeus' Fury, which allowed him to generate powerful thunderbolts, and Poseidon's Rage, which allowed him to generate a circle of electricity around himself and summon lightning bolts from the sky. The Eye of Atlantis granted Kratos the power to unleash furious strikes of lightning from the orb and generate arcs of lightning. Although he lost that power after Zeus stripped him of his godly powers, he was given back the power to manipulate lightning by Chronos' Rage, allowing him to create blue orbs of electricity and after sufficiently leveling it up, he can also cause the orb to explode at will. Hephaestus also granted Nemesis Whip, one of Kratos' weapons, the power to emit electricity to shock others and also unleash blasts of thunder energy.
  • Pyrokinesis: Throughout his journey, Kratos has been gifted with several powers to manipulate fire. First was the Fire of Ares, which allowed him to empower his weapons to create fiery explosions with combos and overall enchant attacks with fire as well as create searing cores of fire. The second was the Thera's Bane, which temporarily allowed him to greatly increase the power of the Blades of Athena and also create exploding searing cores. Rage of the Titans was acquired when he freed Prometheus from his torment, allowing him to clad himself of fire and generate fiery bursts and torrents. Upon arriving in the Norse Realm, Kratos somehow acquired the power of Spartan Rage, which allowed him to empower his fists with what appeared to be fire and empower thrown stones to explode upon impact. He can also use the Blades of Chaos to channel their fire energy, albeit only after he stabs his enemies.
  • Cryokinesis: With the Ice of Poseidon, Kratos was granted the power to create tempests and waves of ice, empower his weapons with ice, fire ice shards and manifest spikes of ice. The Horn of Boreas allowed him to summon icy tempests. After arriving in the Norse Realm, Kratos' power to manipulate ice lies with the Leviathan Axe, which while wielded by Kratos can fire waves of ice energy and freeze enemies.
  • Geokinesis: With Atlas Quake, Kratos was capable of creating strong earthquakes and throwing large boulders. In the Norse Realm with the help of Spartan Rage, Kratos could also shake the ground and throw large boulders.
  • Chronokinesis: With the Amulet of Uroborus, Kratos could manipulate time in a variety of ways, such as casting blasts able to decay enemies, healing himself, restoring massive broken structures, and slowing down enemies. He was also able to use the Loom Chamber's threads to go back in time before he was killed by Zeus. Also, with the help of the Amulet of the Fates, Kratos could slow down time. In the Nordic Realm, Kratos could use the Talisman of the Worlds and other talismans, as well as enchantments to slow down time and enemies.
  • Photokinesis: With the Primordial Fire, Kratos could summon orbs of light and hurl them towards his enemies.
  • Soul Manipulation: With the Soul of Hades, Kratos was granted the power to summon blasts of soul energy and unleash the deceased souls that inhabit the Underworld upon enemies. The God of Death later granted Kratos the power to summon the souls of the Underworld in the form of the magic of the Army of Hades. Although he lost the power to do this after losing his godhood, Kratos received the Blades of Exile from Athena which grants him the power to resurrect and control the souls of his deceased Spartan brethren. He later obtains a stronger version of the power after obtaining the Claws of Hades, allowing him to rip out other's souls and control it to attack enemies as well as summon souls of the enemies he had defeated.
  • Divine Energy Manipulation: With the Blade of Olympus, Kratos was able to fire powerful blasts of divine energy.
  • Void Creation: With the Scourge of Erinys, Kratos was granted the power to create voids of darkness capable of sucking in enemies, stealing their life force and yielding it to Kratos.
  • Magical Revelation: With the Eyes of Truth, Kratos was able to dispel all sorts of illusions, magic barriers and dark magic spells used by The Furies.
  • Underwater Breathing: With either Poseidon's Trident or Triton's Lance, Kratos could breathe underwater indefinitely and swim with incredible speed.
  • Clone Creation: With the Oath Stone of Orkos, Kratos can create copies of himself to aid him against his enemies.
  • Petrification: With either Medusa or Euryale's heads, Kratos can turn enemies into stone.
  • Flight: Kratos, using Icarus' wings, could hover above the ground and fly through the air.

Elemental Powers (Norse)[]

  • Njörd's Tempest: A rapidly-spinning melee attack. Creates an icy whirlwind around Kratos.
  • Fury of the Ice Troll: Kratos charges the Leviathan Axe before sending out a shockwave that slows enemies and knocks them down while dealing Frost damage.
  • Tyr's Revenge: Kratos throws the Axe, which then grinds against the target for a few seconds before launching into the air and slamming back down, causing an explosion of Frost.
  • Leviathan's Wake: Kratos throws the Axe, the weapon plowing through any enemy in its way while causing an explosion that sends them flying.
  • Charge of the White Bear: Kratos enhances the Guardian Shield with ice, charging forward with the shield in front before slamming into an enemy and throwing them upward. He can follow up the charge with a Shield slam attack that causes an icy wave to be sent forward.
  • Wrath of the Frost Ancient: Kratos fires a frost beam from the Axe, slowing down and damaging all enemies hit.
  • Strike of the Udgard: Kratos swings the Axe, creating an icy shockwave that lunges forward. Kratos can follow up the initial wave with two more.
  • Hel's Touch: The Leviathan Axe releases an omnidirectional shockwave that knocks enemies back.
  • Thiazi's Talon: A propulsive slice that sends out a vertical wave of frost energy. Kratos can follow up the initial wave with two additional ones after charging up the attack.
  • Ivaldi's Anvil: Kratos slams the Axe into the ground, creating a shockwave that freezes all enemies caught in the blast radius. Creates a second, smaller shockwave when Kratos pulls the Axe from the ground.
  • Mists of Helheim: Kratos throws the Axe at the ground, stabbing it into the surface and creating a circular area that deals Frost damage to enemies inside of it.
  • Frost Giant's Frenzy: A set of slam attacks that launch the enemies and send them flying.
  • Blessings of the Frost: A brief buff to the Leviathan Axe that enhances all damage dealt by it. Every hit also causes an explosion of Frost and sends out a wave of Frost.
  • The River of Knives: Kratos drags his Axe across the ground, sending out a trio of ice shards.
  • Glaive Storm: Kratos throws the Axe, which then seeks out and tracks enemies, dealing Frost damage.
  • Breath of Thamur: Kratos summons a massive Frost storm that deals damage to enemies inside its radius.

Bestowed Abilities (Greek)[]

  • Poseidon's Rage: Harnessing the power of sea storms, Kratos can vaporize his enemies with powerful streams of lightning.
  • Medusa's Gaze: Torn from the Gorgon Queen's serpentine body, Kratos can harness the power of Medusa's head to turn his enemies to solid stone.
  • Zeus' Fury: Granted to him by the King of the Gods himself, Kratos can hurl thunderbolts at his enemies from afar. Can be charged for a devastating blast of lightning.
  • Army of Hades: The God of the Underworld granted Kratos command of the Dead. Kratos summons invincible vicious warrior spirits to tear his enemies to shreds. Ares himself could not withstand such an assault.
  • Rage of the Gods: Granted to him by the Goddess Athena, Kratos could focus his rage and power to give himself godlike powers, becoming invincible and granted infinite power (magic), but only for a short time.
  • Typhon's Bane: Torn from the eye of the imprisoned Titan, Typhon, this ability manifested into the shape of a bow. Kratos could harness the power of wind to fire blasts of wind or create small tornadoes.
  • Cronos' Rage: Before his fall in the Great War with the gods, Cronos, the leader of the Titans hid away the last of his magic. Granted to Kratos, he could place orbs of electricity that would electrocute anything nearby and explode.
  • Euryales Gaze: Torn from the body of Medusa's sister Euryale, Kratos can use the Gorgon's head much like the Medusa's Gaze.
  • Atlas Quake: Granted to him by the mighty Titan Atlas, Kratos can pound the earth with his fists to send shock waves of debris in all directions.
  • Rage of the Titans: By freeing Prometheus and allowing him to be consumed in fire, his ashes, tainted with the power of the Titans, have been given to Kratos and allow him control of fire as well as making his durability and speed go up.
  • Efreet: By summoning the Fire Demon Efreet, Kratos can command it to pound the ground with it's fists and burn enemies in the process.
  • Light of Dawn: Drawing power from light itself, Kratos can create orbs of light and force and hurl them at his enemies.
  • Charon's Wrath: With the mask of the ferryman of the Underworld, Kratos can send forth a blast of green flame that will slowly end the life of those it touches.
  • Divine Reckoning: With the Blade of Olympus in hand, Kratos can plunge the weapon into the ground and envelop himself in a vortex of energy that decimates nearby enemies.
  • Army of Sparta: Calling forth the spirits of his Spartan comrades, Kratos can command them to form an impenetrable phalanx around him and attack his enemies with spears and a rain of arrows.
  • Soul Summon: Harnessing the power of the Claws of Hades, Kratos can call forth various ethereal beasts to attack his enemies.
  • Nemean Roar: By slamming the Nemean Cestus into the ground, Kratos can send forth a barrage of powerful shockwaves.
  • Nemesis Rage: Using the Nemesis Whips, Kratos can send forth a surge of electric energy that will attach to an enemy and attack others as well.
  • Rage of Sparta: By drawing upon the the power of the Blade of Olympus, Kratos can become temporarily invulnerable and move at greater speeds.

Bestowed Abilities (Norse)[]

  • Aegir's Protection: Creates a temporary circular defensive zone that prevents Kratos' attacks from being interrupted while reducing the amount of damage he takes. Restores a small amount of health.
  • The Charm of Infinite Storms: Summons a storm of ice that prevents Kratos’ attacks from being interrupted, reduces the amount of damage he takes and inflicts normal and Frost damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Talisman of Cursed Power: Unleashes a wave of Cursed Mist that instantly weakens all surrounding enemies by lowering all of their Stats.
  • Talisman of the Realms: Summons a Realm Shift that slows down all nearby enemies.
  • Shattered Gauntlet of the Ages: An ancient relic of Hel deemed too powerful to remain whole. When enhanced with at least 3 of 6 mystical gems, becomes capable of releasing a powerful blast of energy.
  • Eye of the Outer Realm: Increases overall Stats.
  • Andvari's Soul: The soul of the Dwarf Andvari, with which Atreus can seemingly communicate. Grants a high activation chance of a Health Burst on any Runic Attack kill.
  • Nörd's Temporal Stone: Grants a low activation chance of triggering a Realm Shift after taking damage.
  • Ivaldi's Corrupted Mind: The twisted mind of the Dwarven alchemist Ivaldi contained within a gemstone. All nearby enemies within 15 meters are weakened, lowering their overall stats.
  • Muspelheim Eye of Power: Increases overall Stats and grants resistance to Burn damage.
  • Asgard's Shard of Existence: Charging up the Enchantment for a few seconds grants Fortification, causing an explosive knockback on the next successful block.



Greek Era[]

  • Blades of Chaos: The Blades of Chaos were forged at the darkest depths of the Underworld by Ares himself. They were imbued with Primordial Fire, which allowed them to ignite with every attack that the user performed. The Blades' chains would stretch out for a set distance with each attack, allowing for fluid movement no matter who wielded them. The chains of the Blades were permanently seared onto the forearms of the wielder, which served as a reminder of their oath to the God of War, and could only be removed either by the "God of War" himself or when the wielder's time of servitude ended. However, when their creator is dead with the servant still owning them, they can be removed or equipped, whenever needed. After Kratos pledged his life to the God of War, Ares had his Harpies fetch the Blades of Chaos and bestowed them on the Spartan, claiming they were weapons truly worthy of a God's champion. After Ares decimated the Barbarian Forces, Kratos used his new weapons to slay the Barbarian King, Alrik, in single combat. Kratos continued to utilize the Blades during his time of servitude to Ares and the Gods - even against his own wife, Lysandra, and daughter Calliope, whom he unknowingly killed while he was in a god-driven rage that was set by Ares. Kratos, at the peak of his task to kill the God of War, had the Blades of Chaos stripped away from him after he defended his family in one of Ares' Illusions. With the Blades taken away from him, Ares manipulated the Blades to once more kill Kratos' family, while a helpless Kratos watched in horror. After the fall of Ares, the Blades were never seen again, but Kratos was soon granted the similar Blades of Athena. After killing Ares and taking his place as the God of War, Kratos gained all of Ares' weapons, including the Blades of Chaos. Although, he vowed never to use them again.
  • Blades of Athena: The Blades of Athena were a pair chained weaponry that were bestowed to Kratos by Athena after he killed Ares. They were the second pair of Blades that Kratos wielded. Also known as "Athena's Blades", this weapon were seemingly identical to the Blades of Chaos when Kratos first received them. The Blades also had the same abilities as the Blades of Chaos. While Kratos was a God, the Blades of Athena gave off a yellow aura and were gold in color with blue-colored Glyphs due to the godly magic that emanated from them. After Kratos drained the remainder of his godly powers into the Blade of Olympus, they reverted to their basic form with a steel color and a faint yellow aura. They were then leveled up much like the Blades of Chaos and gradually regained their gold color. From its final level, they emitted a red flaming glow and the glyphs became red in color. However, when Kratos fell into the River Styx, the Blades were destroyed and rusted. Afterwards, the Astral Form of Athena took the ruined Blades and transformed them into the Blades of Exile.
  • Blades of Exile: The Blades of Exile were the third and last set of chained Blades that were wielded by Kratos and were given to him by the Astral Form of Athena at God of War III. The Blades replaced the Blades of Athena as Kratos' primary weapons, as the latter, which he received upon his rise to God of War, were thoroughly rusted and destroyed by his fall into the River Styx. The Blades of Exile also had a slightly different design, but their model did not change as they leveled up with the only exception being the amount of, "flames," that the Blades emitted when they were in use. The Blades had attack patterns that were similar to their predecessors, the Blades of Chaos and of Athena, but with distinctly different designs. The Blades' primary features include tormented demonic-like faces with horn-like curved spikes that appeared out of the, "heads," on the hilts, pronounced hooks on their lower edges, and an intricate pattern of shimmering orange stripes on the flat sides of the Blades, which emitted fire whenever the Blades were swung. The Blades of Exile granted Kratos the magic power, Army of Sparta, as well as the ability to grapple enemies. The Blades of Exile were one of the only three weapons that were not destroyed by Zeus after he rose from his body in his Astral Form and attacked Kratos. It was unknown what happened to the Blades of Exile after Kratos impaled himself with the Blade of Olympus. They were last seen discarded by Kratos after he had forced Zeus' soul back into his body. Though considering how the chains on Kratos' arms were loosened upon Zeus' death, it could simply be implied that he no longer had use for the Blades and their main purpose was complete.
  • Blade of Artemis: The Blade of Artemis was a large, curved blade that was utilized with both hands, and was formerly used by Artemis. It was once used by Artemis to slay a Titan. Artemis gave it to Kratos shortly after he entered Pandora's Temple. Surrounded by raw energies, the Blade was capable of piercing armor and could easily damage any enemy. It could then be leveled up to further increase damage, which also changed its energy color. Kratos used the Blade even after he became the new God of War, as seen in God of War: Betrayal. However, during God of War II, Kratos did not wield the Blade of Artemis anymore. The weapon made no appearance in Ghost of Sparta, though the game took place soon after God of War (2005). It was likely that Artemis took back her Blade after the events of God of War (2005).
  • Blade of Olympus: The Blade of Olympus itself was a large golden and white metal blade with bluish hues of energy that brimmed through and around it. Also, the weapon was created in the First Titanomachy by Zeus as means to end the war. After the defeat of Atlas, Zeus returned to the battlefield and wielded his new weapon. He pushed the Blade into the Earth and chanted that he banished the Titans to the depths of Tartarus. The weapon was seen again in Rhodes, when Zeus sent it down for Kratos to help him destroy the Colossus of Rhodes. But, as the collapsing Colossus of Rhodes' hand crashed down on Kratos, it appeared that he was severely weakened by giving his Power to the Blade. Beatened up, Kratos tried to regain the Blade, only for Zeus to arrived and retrieved it, and thus prevented Kratos from regaining his powers. Zeus then shoved the Blade into Kratos' abdomen, which brought him to the verge of death, and sent him to the Underworld. Later, Kratos regained the Blade of Olympus after he went back through time and with it, he fought and nearly killed Zeus on the Summit of Sacrifice. Kratos, who intended to thrust the Blade through Zeus' chest, invoked Athena's interference, and killed her instead of Zeus. The Blade of Olympus also appeared in God of War III, as Kratos planted the Blade on top of Gaia's back during the Titans' siege of Mount Olympus. When both he and Gaia were thrown off of Olympus, Kratos wedged it into Gaia in an attempt to hold on, but both he and the Blade fell into the Underworld. Later, when Kratos retrieved the Blade from a Statue of Pandora in the depths of Hades, he was able to use it as a part of the Rage of Sparta. The Rage of Sparta was the only means by which he used the Blade of Olympus. Nonetheless, the Blade proved quite useful and strong in defeating some of the major opponents that were encountered over the course of his journey. It was used to slay Cronos and Perses as Kratos journeyed through the Underworld and Olympus, and in the final battle, it was used to kill both Zeus and Gaia. In the very end, Kratos ultimately used the Blade to stab himself, and thus, released the Power of Hope that dwelt within him, as well as the Power within the Blade itself, which was rendered useless. The Blade was last seen in the ground of Zeus' Battle Arena, abandoned, following Kratos' disappearance from Olympus.
  • Barbarian Hammer: The Barbarian Hammer is a slow, but powerful melee weapon originally wielded by the Barbarian King, Alrik. Kratos could deliver powerful slams and smashes. The Hammer itself is large, bloodied, and spiked, that also had the ability to summon Cursed Souls from the Underworld. It was extremely useful in situations where multiple enemies were approaching, as one or two blows by the Hammer could kill them in an instant. By leveling up the Barbarian Hammer, it could increase its damage power, and gained new abilities for it. Although slow and heavy in use, the Barbarian Hammer was, statistically speaking, the most powerful melee weapon, next to the Blade of Olympus.
  • Claws of Hades: The Claws of Hades were a pair of chained weapons formerly utilized by Hades. They were later procured by Kratos after Hades' death. During both of the Great Wars, Hades could be seen fighting with this weapons. They were depicted as a set of spiked chains with two hooks at the end of each that glowed pale purple. Hades was "draped" in them, and they were embodied with his Magic Powers. Using the magic stored within the chains, Hades could pull out the soul of his enemies. This was also seen in one of the cutscenes in God of War II, where Hades ripped out the soul of Atlas and absorbed it. Those chains were extremely lethal weapons as they allowed Hades to attack at short and long distances. They glowed with a dark purplish aura that indicated the number of souls it absorbed. By absorbing countless souls, the chains' attack power increased as well as speed. Hades had the ability to summon Legions of the Undead as well as a wide array of Undead Beasts by using the Claws' power. The chains were a very powerful part of Hades' arsenal, and, with them, defeated many Titans in the Titanomachy. In God of War III, Kratos used this weapons after he took them from Hades. The Claws allowed Kratos to summon the Souls of the Undead. With them, Kratos could rip the souls out of his enemies and they then would attack the other enemies. They had an attack that was similar to the Barbarian Hammer which allowed Kratos to summon souls of the enemies he fought in order to occupy them. A soul could be selected in the power up menu out of a selection of Beasts that Kratos encountered on his quest. The Claws of Hades were later destroyed by Zeus' Astral Form along with the rest of Kratos' Equipment excluding the Blades of Exile, the Blade of Olympus, and the Boots of Hermes.
  • Nemean Cestus: The Nemean Cestus were a pair of large metal gauntlets, each forged that resembled a snarling lion's head, that greatly increased the strength of its wielder when they were worn. They were also similar to the Claws of Hades. With each strike, a sound of a lion roaring/growling could be heard slightly. During Hercules' fight with Kratos, the former donned the Cestus as he engaged the Spartan in battle. However, the Cestus were forcefully taken from him, and Kratos used them to batter his half-brother to death. The Nemean Cestus was the only weapon that was able to destroy Onyx, a type of rock that frequently appeared in God of War III, in the form of shields, walls, and armor. They were also the only weapon that was capable of killing Skorpius, as the creature's body was armored with Onyx. The Cestus even proved useful against the Bronze Talos and, when fully upgraded, against the King of the Gods, Zeus. Like most of Kratos' Weapons, except for the Blades of Exile, the Blade of Olympus, and the Boots of Hermes, the Nemean Cestus was destroyed by Zeus' Astral Form.
  • Nemesis Whip: The Nemesis Whip consisted of a pair of chains, each ending in three claw-like daggers that gave off a teal colored aura. It was crafted for Kratos by Hephaestus after he brought him the Omphalos Stone, a decoy that Cronos originally mistook for baby Zeus and swallowed many years ago. Initially, Hephaestus intended to use them as a conduit for his own powers in order to kill Kratos, but the Spartan threw off the attack, turned the Whip against its creator, and killed the God of Smith. The weapon is attacked in a similar fashion to the Blades of Exile, but were faster and weaker, with a focus on multiple hits instead of single, powerful blows. It had the power to conduct electricity and electrocute whomever stood in Kratos’ way. The Whips were useful when they were leveled up to recharge the Rage of Sparta while fighting opponents. Despite the weak power per hit, unlike other weapons, the launch attack does not require "hold button" input, making it the quickest weapon in terms of throwing launch-able airborne. Combine with the range, the Nemesis Whip possess a superior capability in counter attacks and setting up enemies for combo, making it the most effective weapon against elite and agile enemies that can block/parry, such as the Satyr, Siren and Elite Minotaur. Like most of Kratos' Weapons, excluding the Blades of Exile, the Blade of Olympus, and the Boots of Hermes, the Nemesis Whip was destroyed by Zeus' Astral Form during his final attempt to defeat Kratos.
  • Spear of Destiny: The Spear of Destiny will be later wielded upon by Kratos on God of War II as he is on his way to the Titan Typhon, because before he arrived at the Island of Creation, a Dark Rider appeared and attacks him with the Spear of Destiny. Kratos then jumped onto the Dark Griffin after he jumped off to Pegasus and counterattacked the Dark Rider. Kratos stabbed him numerous times and took the Spear of Destiny. From there, Kratos speared the Dark Griffin and chopped its wings off, which sent it crashing to the ground. Because the weapon is now wielded by Kratos, he could perform deadly swipes and stabs, and could also fire dangerous piercing projectiles at enemies. Furthermore, the Spear can create purple crystals that were infused in its ends, which could be used to pierce enemies and even created more explosive crystals. It also had the ability to extend and retract itself for greater range attacks.

Norse Era[]

  • Leviathan Axe: The Leviathan Axe is a magical axe which was originally owned by Faye, the mother of his future son, Atreus. The Axe has the properties of ice magic as swinging its blade creates light blue energy waves, which can be charged up, and hitting the ground freezes enemies close to impact. Kratos also throws the Axe directly towards opponents in battle and it seems that it can return to his hand by raising it but only for a limited range. The Leviathan Axe's ice magic is very effective against enemies with the attribute of Burn, while the fiery swing of the Blades damage effectively those of Frost. After meeting with Brok and Sindri, gem slots called Runic Attacks are given on each weapon's head that modifies the axe's and the blades' abilities.
  • Guardian Shield: The Guardian Shield is a golden circular shield attached to a golden gauntlet in Kratos' arm that he uses both offensively and defensively. He wears it like a brace for his left forearm but it instantly retracts to its full form at will. He is shown to pair this with his axe or his left Blade of Chaos in battle. He can infuse the magical abilities of his Leviathan Axe and the fire of his left Blade of Chaos into the shield, allowing for more explosive and devastating combos. And he is able to parry with the shield, managing to deflect enemy projectiles back at them.
  • Kratos' Knife: The Knife of Kratos was crafted by the "God of War" himself and it is used during his travels throughout the Northlands. He forged the knife, mixing metals from his homeland and metals from the lands that they were currently in. This is one of two knives that he possessed, the other belonging to Atreus, "Champion of the Jötnar".
  • Blades of Chaos: The Blades of Chaos were found again by Kratos himself in the Egypt Realm and brought them with him to the Norse Realm, where he hid them, wrapped together in a thick red cloth with a simple Grecian Pattern on it, under the floorboards of his Cabin, hoping never to use them again. He explains why he kept the Blades of Chaos, despite his painful history, as he could not be rid of them at all; the Blades always found their way back to him under the most contrived circumstances. For example, he tried to dump them in the ocean but the sea itself rejected them and destroyed his boat. He washed up ashore with the Blades next to him. After this incident, he gave up and hid them beneath the floorboards as a forced reminder of his tragic history and explosive rage. Eventually, however, Kratos' son falls ill due to the conflicting natures within him. Learning that the main ingredient needed to treat Atreus was in Helheim—where the ice magic of the Leviathan Axe was useless due to the unyielding cold of the Realm as no enemy can be killed with such weapon—Kratos retrieved the Blades from their hiding place and grimly rebound their chains to his forearms in order to use them once more. A opposed to the ice-aspected Leviathan Axe, the Blades give off the element of fire. Once upgraded progressively, the Blades change gradually in appearance, restoring the cracked Greek Blades into a more Nordic style, adding Nordic Glyphs similar to the Leviathan Axe. These Glyphs glow fiery orange when ignited, and small runes written in Old Nordic decorate the edges of each Blade. The hilts become gold in color and gain two slots on the skulls' eyes for Runic Attacks; one for light and one for heavy, while also allowing Kratos to change the pommels for different attributes. Kratos can also infuse the Fire of his left Blade to his Guardian Shield, before slamming it to his foes, dealing massive damage. The Blades, via a Runic Attack called Meteoric Slam, can summon a meteor shower of Fire that deals Burn damage to enemies. After meeting Brok in Helheim, the Blades were also upgraded to temporarily channel energy known as the Winds of Hel. Additionally, each upgrade was accompanied by an increasingly more intricate motif of a Serpent or Dragon just beneath the blade. By the time Ragnarök begins, the magic-weakening effects of Fimbulwinter had reverted the Blades of Chaos back to their cracked, rusted state. However, like before, Brok and Sindri (and later on Lúnda) were able to upgrade the Blades once again by using Chaos Flames. The skull design of the Blades’ hilts undergoes a drastic transformation, bearing a more Nordic Motif than their original form. When fully upgraded, the flat surfaces of the Blades are outlined with gold, most intricately along the very edge of the Blade, and the glyphs become golden as well. Along with this, Kratos also uses the Blades as a means of climbing and maneuvering high cliffs, as well as pulling down certain blockades. Surtr, the First Fire Giant, sensed the Primordial Fire within the Blades of Chaos, and while the Fire was from a foreign Realm, Surtr believed that their origin should not matter and would be essential in turning him Ragnarök without the need to sacrifice Sinmara. When reaching the Spark of the World, Surtr imbued his Fire to the Blades of Chaos and through them caused some pain to both Surtr and Kratos. Following Surtr's instructions, Kratos used his Blades to stab Sinmara's heart within Surtr's body, empowering the First Fire Giant to become Ragnarök.
  • Draupnir Spear: The Draupnir Spear is a golden magical spear that was forged by The Lady of the Forge with Kratos’ blood for the sole purpose of killing the Æsir threat, Heimdall. He wears it as a ring on his right hand but it can be summoned at will. The Spear has the ability to near-infinitely create spear duplicates that can be thrown and detonated by slamming the butt of the Spear into the ground. It also has properties of wind magic, which allows it to draw in enemies and blast them back a good distance away. Kratos can also absorb elemental attributes from enemies using the Spear and use it against them for a limited time.
  • Gram: The Gram (Old Norse: Wrath) is a relic that can be found in the Temple of Light in Alfheim. It is a powerful sword that is possibly well known for being used to slay dragons, hence its alias The Dragon's Bane. Gram is proven to be powerful and superior because in the Norse Mythology, it had accomplished many feats, but one of the feats that is well-known is slaying different dragons.
  • Ridill: The Ridill, or Riðill, is the sword of the Dwarf (now Dragon) Reginn. It is one of the many usable relics that Kratos can use. In Norse Mythology, the sword was used to cut out many hearts and it is owned by Regin, a Dwarf. When pronounced and spoken out-loud, it sounds almost identical to the word Riddle.
  • Hrotti: The Hrotti is a relic and magical sword that used to be part of Fafnir's treasure until it was stolen from the dwarf's treasure vault. Kratos can obtain the Hilt of Hrotti by venturing to the Plains region of the Vanaheim Crater, and dispatching the Oath Guards (Jørgen, Vali, Egil), three Travelers who are trying to locate and assassinate Birgir for heresy. Kratos can kill the Oath Guards in any order he wishes, the second of whom drops the Hilt upon death.
  • Tyrfing: The Tyrfing is a magical sword that has a long and "bloody history". It is one of the sword relics whom Kratos can use in battle. A type of sword with a golden hilt that would never miss a stroke, would never rust, and even cut through rock and iron. When Tyrfing was finally finished, it gleams brightly and shone like fire. However, the sword was bestowed with a curse so that every time it is drawn, it will easily kill anyone on its path.
  • Skofnung: The Skofnung is a sword that was once wielded by King Hrólf Kraki, the King of Berserkers. Once known as the sharpest sword in Midgard, the hilt was used to contain the souls of the twelve (12) Berserkers. Eventually, the hilt was found by Kratos. During the battle against Hrólf Kraki, Kratos managed to weaken and decapitate him. After the Berserker King’s death, Kratos kept the sword and vowed to use it for good from then on.


Greek Era[]

  • Magic Pouch: The Magic Pouch is a another signature item for Kratos which he carries since his time as a General for Sparta. He can carry numerous equipment or weapons and take them out just by reaching into it while thinking about the chosen item. This pouch is able to carry things much as big as Kratos himself and wears it under his loincloth. Because of this, Kratos also carried many other powerful weapons or relics throughout the series, some of which include the Barbarian Hammer, the Nemean Cestus, and the Blade of Artemis etc.
  • Poseidon's Trident: By using the God of the Sea's symbol of power, Kratos is granted the ability to breathe underwater indefinitely.
  • Amulet of the Fates: When near certain statues, Kratos can move through time while all around him slows.
  • Golden Fleece: A golden, indestructible piece of armor for the wearer's arm. Has the ability to catch incoming enemy projectiles and send them back to the enemy.
  • Icarus' Wings: Torn from the legendary Icarus, Kratos can use the artificial wings to glide and fly with the help of powerful upward drafts.
  • Sun Shield: Belonging to Helios, the God of the Sun, this shield can block enemy attacks and projectiles.
  • Triton's Lance: With the Spear of Triton, the son of Poseidon, Kratos can swim, dive, and breathe underwater indefinitely.
  • Bow of Apollo: A magical bow that can fire an infinite amount of flaming arrows. Can set objects and enemies on fire.
  • Head of Helios: Torn from the God of the Sun himself, Kratos can harness the Power of Helios' Head to illuminate his way through dark areas and even damage his enemies with powerful surges of light.
  • Boots of Hermes: After defeating Hermes, the Messenger of Olympus, Kratos acquired Hermes' winged sandals. With the source of the God of Speed's power in his possession, Kratos can run up walls and ram his enemies at great speeds, leaving a trail of fire in his wake.

Norse Era[]

  • Stone Mason Chisel Tip: The Stone Masons Chisel Tip is a stone used to access Jötunheim’s Hidden Gates located on the Mountains in Midgard. For this to work, both Kratos and Atreus must observe carefully on their surroundings. Upon doing so, Kratos needed to use the magical Chisel Tip to open them. To further add to this, the tip was also used to unlock hidden chambers and secret passages.
  • The Witch's Compass: The Witch's Compass is a magical talisman granted to Kratos and Atreus by Freya in her guise as the “Witch of the Woods”. They can then use the compass to lead Kratos, Atreus, and even Mimir to either their main destination or to navigate all across the Nine Realms.
  • Bifröst Lamp: The Bifröst Lamp is a relic that is used by Kratos as a key to travel between the Nine Realms. In order to properly work, the Bifröst Lamp needs to be imbued with the Light of Alfheim. The Lamp is later destroyed in God of War Ragnarok, as Brok and Sindri use its light to modify the Mystic Gateway, thus making Realm Travel easier.
  • Unity Stone: The Unity Stone is a secret and special travel stone of Týr and is a key item in God of War (2018). As it turns out, the stone was found after Kratos and Atreus entered the secret chamber of Týr's Temple. After Kratos overturns the structure by flipping it upside down, Atreus breaks the Magic Shield that Týr conjured, allowing Kratos to retrieve the Unity Stone. Upon reaching the end of the path on a branch of Yggdrasil, the Stone was used by Kratos and Atreus to survive falling off the path to get to the Realm Between Realms (which they accessed from a Mystic Getaway). Reaching and entering the Jötunheim Tower, the Stone was used in bringing the Jötunheim Tower back to the Lake of Nine. When the Tower returned to Midgard, the Unity Stone was left inside, since its purpose has been fulfilled.
  • Head of Mimir: The Head of Mimir was bound to a tree at the top of Midgard’s Mountain, and with Kratos' permission, they decapitated him and took the head with them. Then, they went to the Witch's Cabin to revive the head and then later have a companion to talk with, share stories about the Norse Realm, and eventually lead them to Jötunheim’s Hidden Gate.
  • Yggdrasil Realm Seeds: The Yggdrasil Realm Seeds are introduced in God of War Ragnarök as the only means to unlock access to new Mystic Gateways throughout the Nine Realms. They effectively replace the Bifröst Lamp, which was previously used by Kratos to travel through Týr's Temple.
  • Spiritual Stones: The Spiritual Stones, more commonly known as Marbles, are a magical item used by the Jötnar. During Ragnarök, Angrboda fights alongside with Fenrir and used them to save Atreus, Kratos, Freya and Mimir from Asgard's destruction. As Atreus decided to travel outside of the Nine Realms to find other surviving Giants and fully accepts his identity as "Loki", Angrboda gives him her Marble so he can visit her at any time.
  • Draupnir: The Draupnir is a magical ring created by Brok and Sindri and gifted to Odin. It has the ability to duplicate itself every ninth night, thus dripping eight new rings, although the copies have no value at all. Due to its unique magical capabilities, this legendary ring was eventually given to Kratos as a means to craft the Draupnir Spear, created with the sole purpose of killing Heimdall, Watchman of the Æsir.
  • Gjallarhorn: The Gjallarhorn is a mighty horn belonging to one of the Æsir God Heimdall. The horn was obtained after the Greek God of War Kratos killed Heimdall in battle prior to the beginning of Ragnarök and took it for himself. When he presented the horn to his son and allies, they were astonished that the Spartan managed to obtain the Horn. Gathering at the Temple of Týr, Kratos brandishes the horn and sent out a massive, earth-shattering horn blast that echoed across all the Nine Realms and ignited all Nine Realm Towers, announcing the beginning of the final battle and signalling the armies of Alfheim, Helheim, and Vanaheim to go to battle. It eventually dissipated, having served its purpose.
  • Skíðblaðnir: The Skíðblaðnir is a collapsible, magical boat that was previously owned by the Vanir God Freyr, who then gave it to Kratos to use whenever he needed. Since it was created by the Vanir Gods, it was given the ability to fly and even fold itself when not in use.



  • Able to overpower monsters that are massively lager than he is.
  • Can easily rip a Greek solider with his bare hands.
  • Can stop and overpower a massive tentacle strong enough to throw ships hundreds of feet away.
  • Can pull and impale a sea monster the size of a skyscraper.
  • Lifted a large piece of stone with ease.
  • Overpowered Ares.
  • Overpowers Cronos' fingers.
  • Ripped a head of a cerebus and force it to open its mouth.
  • Prevented himself from getting crushed by holding the Colussus' foot and sends him flying.
  • Can swing huge pillars like baseball bats.
  • Flipped over an entire street block.
  • Prevents himself from being crushed by Cronos' hands by holding it.
  • Kratos can grapple equally with Hades
  • Rips out Hades' soul.
  • Pulls a several ton monster and crash it into a wall.
  • Overpowered Atlas' fingers and escaped the grip of it.
  • Stated to be able to lift the world with Atlas
  • Freed the Titan Thera and destroyed the foundations of Atlantis in his battle against Scylla
  • Uses his barehands to prevent Leviathan's crab leg, which can penetrate Gaia.
  • Uses a lever to push up the entire labyrinth into Olmypus, with each cube larger than a house.
  • Overpowered Hercules, the god of strength.
  • With his bare hands he can stop a strike from the massive Hippocampi.
  • Was empowered by Atlas to be able to use and withstand the spell “Atlas Quake”, which can shake the world.
  • Can cut down trees.
  • Lifted a large tree over his shoulder.
  • Collapsed part of a cliff in his first fight with Baldur, and even created a small valley.
  • Using a large chunk of crystal, stabbed through the cheek of a dragon.
  • Pushed a bridge weighing approximately 1,774,000 tons
  • Comparable in power to the World Serpent, which in its battle with Thor would shake the Yggdrasil and splinter it, with the World Tree stretching into infinity and holding all of the Nine Realms in its branches.
  • Pushed the Frost Giant Thamur's hammer.
  • Can seal Realm Tears, which are holes in the fabric of reality that threaten the existence of individual realms, with his raw strength alone.
  • Physically overpowered a bloodlusted Freya with one hand.
  • Contented with Thor in their first fight, even while fatigued from a long chase for Atreus and his subsequent fight with the latter's bear form.
  • Made Thor bleed with his punches.
  • Able to break free of Thor's grips.
  • Pushed Thor a distance away with the Guardian Shield and kept him at bay before he divided his hand into summoning the Leviathan Axe.
  • Grappled Mjolnir on even terms over the air with the Leviathan Axe, with Thor having to physically slam him down with his free hand.
  • Broke free of Thor's chokehold and sent him staggering with a blow that knocked out a tooth.
  • Managed to pin down and pummel Thor.
  • Swiftly brokefree from Thor's grip on his hand and impaled him with Draupnir to send him flying.
  • Physically lifted and tossed Thor a distance away.
  • Clashed the Leviathan Axe into Mjolnir with sufficient force to eventually rip the hammer out of Thor's hand and stab him before lifting him into the air with the axe lodged in his stomach and knocking him down to the ground.
  • Physically manhandled and threw Odin away and helped in critically injuring and ultimately overpowering him along with Atreus and Freya with unarmed blows.
  • The spell Poseidon’s Rage created a crater that was “100 feet deep and almost as wide” (73.7 kilotons of TNT).
  • Swinging the Barbarian hammer caused an earthquake.
  • Threw the Colossus of Rhodes.
  • Giant Kratos shook a nearby mountain with his voice.
  • Leviathan Axe has frozen bolts of lightning from Thor.
  • Created a small valley by struggling in an armlock against Baldur.
  • Flipped Tyr’s Temple.
  • Killed the three Furies, Alecto created an illusionary pocket realm with an ocean and raging storm (139.1 megatons of TNT).
    • An interview for Ascension confirms the Furies are capable of making the illusions physically real.
  • Stronger than Redeemed Warriors who:
    • Can swing the Atlas Hammer, which possesses the weight of the world (3.6 petatons of TNT).
    • Possess the Hyperion Spear, which can hold the weight of the cosmos.
  • Killed Ares who:
    • Could stomp and make an earthquake around Athens.
    • Move clouds with his hands.
    • Created mountains and destroyed them (403.5 kilotons - 1.7 megatons of TNT).
  • Fought and killed Poseidon, whose death flooded the world (10.6 - 22.5 exatons of TNT).
  • One-shot Perses, who himself nearly killed Helios.
    • Helios has the power to destroy the world.
    • His death caused the world to be blanketed in clouds.
    • Helios’ power illuminated all of the underworld, which is potentially infinite in size (See Q&A)  (35 trillion FOE at minimum).
    • Helios constantly defeats and banishes the primordial Nyx. Two other primordials fighting created the universe. (At least 4.2 X 10^69 Joules).
    • If Helios was absent, Morpheus’ realm would merge into the main one.
  • Killed Zeus who:
    • Changed storm patterns across the Mediterranean with a breath.
    • Took another breath which made clouds pelt sleet.
    • Threw a mountain on top of Typhon.
    • Shook the foundation of the world with his rage.
  • Fought Thor multiple times, even disarming and defeating him. The Leviathan Axe is also stated and shown to be equal with Mjolnir.
    • Thor and Faye’s fight destroyed the Vanaheim crater valley.
    • Thor is shown fighting Jormungandr and Surtr, the latter of whom created the sun. His realm is also the source of all the stars.
      • Surtr in his Ragnarok form detonated all of Asgard (521.7 quattuordecillion FOE).
    • Thor had a fight with Jormungandr that was felt in all Nine Realms.
  • Defeated Odin, who used Ymir’s guts to create Midgard.
    • Odin stabbing Ymir caused all of creation to be swept up in a flood of his blood.
  • Broke the rules of Valhalla and ripped its doors open


  • Can evade point-blank explosions.
  • Can dodge lightning strikes.
  • Can move fast enough to make falling rocks look near-stationary.
  • As a God, descended to Athens from Mount Olympus like a meteor
  • Reacted to Castor and Pollux teleporting
  • Dodged a sting from a Manticore and catches its tail.
  • Dodged two attempted bites from a Hydra.
  • Swung fast enough on falling stone pillars fast enough to make them look stationary
  • Slashes Megaera before she could react.
  • Dodged an attack from Perseus, while the latter was invisible
  • Blitzed Zeus.
  • With Hermes’ Boots, was fast enough to ignite the ground
  • Can keep up with Baldur, the Aesir God of Light, who appeared as merely a blur in their fight.
  • Comparable to the Primordials, who can punch at 8.7 trillion times the speed of light.
  • Fought on par with the Valkyries, who can possibly travel at 52.8 quintillion times the speed of light.
  • Reacted to Thor's attacks.
  • Threw Draupnir fast enough to swipe Loki's mask from Odin.
  • Outpaced Thor with considerable effort, managing to avoid Thor's fierce charge and swiftly beat up on him and impale his hand before he could get up.
  • Can dodge both Greek and Norse arrows
  • The Colossus of Rhodes, which was imbued with Kratos’ power, can catch a point blank ballista shot.
  • Slapped away a head thrown by a Harpy and the head was like a missile.
  • Perceived lightning as slow.
  • Reacted to a strike from the Hippocampi, which quickly ascended Mount Olympus (Mach 5553.2 - 8329.8).
  • Used the Blades of Artemis to block a beam attack from a Wraith described as a sizzling light.
  • Fought Zeus multiple times.
    • Zeus threw a lightning bolt from Mount Olympus to Egypt in an instant (Mach 8447.9 - 4.8% SoL).
    • Zeus dragged himself and Kratos from Rhodes to Mount Olympus (Mach 4202.3).
    • Can utilize the Hyperion Dash in combat, which is stated to move at light-speed.
  • Defeated Hermes and Hercules, both of whom can react to light from the Head of Helios. Helios lit up the entire Underworld in a short timeframe (At least 81.5 trillion c, possibly higher, see Q&A).
    • Hermes also guides the souls of the dead. Hundreds of people were dying in a short timeframe by the time of God of War 1.
  • Killed the Sisters of Fate:
    • Clotho spins the Loom of Fate, which has threads in every point and all living beings in the world, even inanimate objects like the Nile River, and across all time (166.8 billion c, likely far higher).
    • Atropos sent a projection at infinite speed (debatable, see Q&A).
  • Stronger than Cronos, who could fight Ceto, who created the universe with her punch (733.2 quadrillion - 1.4 quintillion c).
  • Ran in tandem with one of Atreus’ arrows, which he can shoot into the sun.
  • Dodged lightning from the Gods


  • Was thrown into a wall and was fine later on.
  • Resisted getting his soul ripped from Ares.
  • Received no damage after a very long fall.
  • Survived a city-sized explosion caused by Ares.
  • Tanks Thera's volcanic eruption, which sank Atlantis.
  • Barely fazed slammed around by Thanatos.
  • Survived being crushed by Colussus of Rhode's hand.
  • Tanks and shoved back a slap from Cronos.
  • Tanked a charged thunderbolt from Zeus, which can rip the skin of Gaia.
  • At the end of the first novel, Kratos saw the future and witnessed the detonation of a nuclear warhead. He came to the conclusion that the blast would not harm him
  • When stabbing the God King and Gaia's heart, caused the titan to crumble, he emerged unharmed yet exhausted.
  • Casually got up and ran after Baldur after falling off of the tallest peak in Midgard
  • Took hits from Baldur, Thor and Odin.
  • Withstood lightning from Modi.
  • Shrugged off blows from Mjolnir, a single blow of which sent Jormungandr back in time.
  • Got launched miles by a volcano and was fine.
  • Survived the Hydra biting him to the bone.
  • Survived a stab to the chest.
  • Survived Hephaestus trying to electrocute him.
  • Barely survived the Colossus crushing him without his godly powers.
  • While not even at full power, blocked an explosion that partially destroyed the Pillar of the World, which held up the above world and prevented both from destroying each other.
  • Tanked a lightning bolt from Zeus that knocked back Gaia and nearly blew her arm off.
    • Gaia can move continents just by sighing.
  • Can deflect blows from the Blade of Olympus with his bare hands.
  • Survived frost breath from a revived Thamur, whose final breath froze mountains for miles (4 - 555 gigatons of TNT).
  • Survived being flung into the sky by Thor’s hammer
  • Fine after getting chomped on by Garm, who devoured several mountain ranges as a pup.
  • Could endure walking into the Light of Alfheim which normally fatally burns people upon contact.
  • Seems to survive the blast that destroys Asgard (partial exposure, Atreus was at least exposed as it knocked him out). The same blast shook Yggdrasil to its very roots.
  • Survived his own suicide attempt, falling from insane heights to the rocky shores below.


  • Was considered to be "the perfect warrior" by Ares.
  • Retrieved the Ambrosia, the food/drink of the Greek gods to cure his sick newborn daughter of her illness, all the while fighting off other Champions and monsters of the Gods.
  • Destroyed Gyges, one of the three Hecatonchires, and the Ambrosia, preventing Ares' followers from reviving the God of War.
  • Defeated one of the Furies, who alongside her two sisters could subdue a monster the size of a town.
  • Slew Pollux and Castor, the Gemini Twins.
  • Defeated and killed Aegaeon, one of the three Hecatonchires while he was infected by Megaera.
  • Virtually at the same time, killed Megaera herself.
  • Later on, killed the rest of the Furies: Tisiphone (and her pet, Daimon) and Alecto.
  • Slew the Persian King and his Basilisk and almost single-handedly stopped a Persian invasion.
  • Climbed out of Tartarus and took down Charon, the Ferryman of the Underworld.
  • Defeated and killed Persephone, the Queen of the Dead.
  • Returned Helios to the sky after he was stolen by Persephone.
  • Slew the Hydra, as requested by Poseidon.
  • Made his way through the Desert of Lost Souls and discovered Pandora's Temple.
  • Was the first one to fully make it through Pandora's Temple, which was home to multiple challenges, trials and tests.
  • Slew Pandora's Guardian, a 20-foot tall Undead Minotaur.
  • After being killed by Ares, climbed out of the Underworld with the help of the Grave Digger.
  • Using the power of Pandora's Box, defeated and killed Ares, becoming the new God of War.
  • Slew the Scylla, a monster sent by Poseidon.
  • Is indirectly responsible for the flooding of Atlantis.
  • Killed Erinys, the daughter of Thanatos, the God of Death, even after she turned into a gigantic bird.
  • Rescued his brother, Deimos, from Thanatos.
  • With some help from Deimos, defeated and killed Thanatos.
  • Using the Blade of Olympus, slew the Colossus of Rhodes from the inside.
  • Climbed out of the Underworld after being killed by Zeus.
  • Killed Theseus, a demi-god known for being the founder-king of Athens and for slaying the Minotaur.
  • Slew Alrik, the Barbarian King, who, at the time, was an Undead seeking vengeance on Kratos for killing him before.
  • Slew Euryale, taking her head for his own use.
  • Killed Perseus, a demi-god known for slaying the Medusa.
  • Killed the Kraken.
  • Made his way to the Temple of Fates.
  • Challenged Lahkesis, one of the Sisters of Fate.
  • Using the Loom, traveled back in time to the moment of his death from Zeus' hands, taking the Blade of Olympus and fighting him.
  • Using the Blade of Olympus, managed to fight equally against Zeus, even after the god grew to a gigantic size.
  • Using the Loom of Fate, traveled back in time to recruit the Titans and went back to the present, starting the Second Titanomachy.
  • Lead an assault against Olympus and fought against Poseidon's Hippocampi and his Sea Giant form.
  • Ripped Poseidon out of his Sea Giant form and brutally beat him to death with his bare hands.
  • After falling to the Underworld, battled and killed Hades, ripping his soul out with his own Claws.
  • Finished off a heavily injured Helios by ripping his head off.
  • Killed Hermes by amputating his legs and letting him bleed out.
  • Defeated his brother Hercules in combat and beat him to death with his own Nemean Cestus before claiming them for himself.
  • Fought Cronos and cut his way out of his intestines after being eaten by him and promptly killed him my stabbing him in the head with the Blade of Olympus.
  • Slew Hephaestus by using the god's own forge to his advantage.
  • Snapped Hera's neck after passing through her maze.
  • Took down Skorpius, the Queen of Scorpions.
  • After rescuing Pandora, made his way through Daedalus' Maze and to the Flame of Olympus, which protected Pandora's Box.
  • Battled Zeus and dominated him throughout the fight.
  • Simultaneously killed Gaia and Zeus by pinning Zeus to Gaia's heart with the Blade of Olympus, destroying it.
  • After Zeus survived Kratos' attack with the Blade, the Spartan, via Hope, made sure Zeus stayed dead by using his fists.
  • Ultimately, caused the End of the World.
  • Pierced himself with the Blade of Olympus, releasing the power of Hope to mankind.
  • Killed two trolls with his bare hands.
  • Wiped out the Berserkers, a clan capable of transforming into bears with godlike strength.
  • With assistance from Atreus, killed Daudi Kaupmadr, a giant troll.
  • Killed Baldur, an Aesir God who could feel no pain and had an incredible healing factor.
  • Killed Brenna Daudi, another troll.
  • Struck down the Stone Ancient.
  • Reclaimed the Light of Alfheim.
  • Defeated Svartajlofurr, leader of the Dark Elves, after obliterating most of his army.
  • Slew a Soul Eater.
  • Destroyed the Forest Ancient.
  • Defeated Jarn Fotr, a frost troll.
  • Made his way out of the Volunder and Landsuther Mines.
  • Killed Hræzlyr, a lightning dragon.
  • Slaughtered the Ice Ancient.
  • Defeated the Stonebeard King.
  • Took down Magni and Modi, Odin's sons and nephews of Baldur, at the same time, killing Magni in the process.
  • In their second meeting, pushed through Modi's lightning and scared him off.
  • Defeated Mattugr Helson, the Gatekeeper of Helheim.
  • Defeated Grendel of the Ashes and Grendel of the Frost, the guardians of Tyr's Vault.
  • Fought Baldur on top of a dragon.
  • Brought down the Frost Ancient.
  • Retrieved the Hammer of Andvari alongside Andvari's soul.
  • Defeated Daudi Munr while being attacked by an ogre.
  • Traveled to the belly of the World Serpent to retrieve Mimir's missing eye.
  • After Baldur lost his immortality, Kratos snapped his neck after a long fight with assistance from Atreus, killing him for good.
  • Traveled to Jötunheim with Atreus, the two making their way to the highest peak in all the realms and spread the ashes of Atreus' mother.
  • Freed the Valkyries from their corrupted forms.
  • Survived Fimbulwinter.
  • Fended off an ambush from Freya.
  • Defeated Atreus in his bear form.
  • Dueled Thor to a stalemate.
  • Rescued an impostor of Tyr from Svartalfheim.
  • Fought Freya when she had her Valkyrie powers restored.
  • Killed Níðhögg and broke Freya's curse.
  • Found the Norns.
  • Forged the Draupnir Spear with Brok.
  • Defeated Alva, the Light Elf queen.
  • Fought Garm with Atreus in Helheim.
  • Rescued Freyr from the Aesir.
  • Killed Heimdall and claimed Gjallarhorn, inevitably setting Ragnarok into motion.
  • Helped Surtr achieve a destined primordial form that would destroy Asgard.
  • Defeated Hirst and Mist, Odin's twin Valkyries, with Atreus.
  • Rallied the Elves, Shield Maidens and the Vanir against Asgard.
  • Fought through hordes of Asgard's forces.
  • Turned the War Machines used by Asgard against them by using it to destroy the Great Lodge.
  • Defeated Thor and convinced him to stand down.
  • Defeated Odin alongside Freya and Atreus.
  • Escaped through a rift made by Angrboda and Fenrir as Surtr destroyed Asgard.
  • Helped build and restore peaceful after Ragnarok.
  • Defeated the Vakyrie Queen Gna to help Freya regain her title.
  • Found and freed the real Tyr in Nilfiheim.
  • Defeated the Flame Phantom.
  • Killed the Crimson Dread.
  • Destroyed all four Kol Raider camps and defeated the chieftain, Olaf Nautson.
  • Freed the Lyngbakr, a creature Mimir had enslaved as a favor for Odin, from its chains.
  • Found six of the Lindwyrms and brought them to Ratatoskr.
  • Found a mysterious orb in Vanaheim.
  • Defeated the Maven.
  • Closed the Hel tears Garm opened.
  • Completed the Crucible Challenges.
  • Defeated the Berserker Souls and King Hrolf.
  • Returned the seasonal stags to Ratatoskr.
  • Shut down the oil rigs in Svartalfheim.
  • Slain the Seidr Fanatics.
  • Freed the Hafgufa.
  • Killed Gravel Belly.
  • Defeated nearly the entire Greek Pantheon, Hræzlyr, Magni and Modi, Baldur, the Council of Valkyries, Heimdal, Thor, and Odin.
  • Escaped the Underworld multiple times.
    • He would later go on to escape Helheim alongside his son Atreus, after a fight with Baldur blasted the three of them deep into the Realm. With Helheim being the Norse equivalent to the Greek’s Underworld.
  • Destroyed most of Greece in his pursuit of revenge against the Greek Gods, and then saved all of the Norse lands.
  • Alongside Atreus, found the long hidden path to Jotunheim.
  • Raised Atreus to be a strong warrior capable of battling Gods.
  • Was able to forgive himself for his past transgressions and thus prioritize the good of his allies.


  • Anger Issues: Kratos is known for his extreme rage, which makes him prone to reckless and violent behavior. However, since killing the Olympians and meeting Faye, he has gotten much better at controlling his rage. 
  • He can only take so much damage before death as good as his endurance and healing is, and he can only dish out so much damage against foes more powerful than himself.

Fun Facts[]
