Character Profile Wikia
Tony Stark
Iron Man
Series Marvel Comics
Age Est. mid 30's (Current Comics)
53 (MCU)
Birthday May 21-June 20
Sex Male
Species Human
Height 6′1″/1.85 m
6′6″/1.98 m (Armor)
Weight 225 lbs/102.06 kg)
425 lbs/192.78 kg (Armor)
Alignment Neutral Good

Anthony ¨Tony¨ Edward Stark, more commonly known as Iron Man, is a billionaire superhero from the Marvel Universe. He is a founding member of the Avengers.

My armor was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon, and now I’m a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can’t take away – I am Iron Man.
~ Iron Man

A famous man once said, ‘We create our own demons.’ Who said that? What does that even mean? Doesn’t matter. I said it ’cause he said it. So now, he was famous and that basically getting said by two well-known guys. I don’t, uh… I’m gonna start again.
~ Iron Man

Is it better to be feared or respected?" — I say, is it too much to ask for both?
~ Iron Man

I'm the most intelligent, capable person on the planet. I'm not playing God. All this time... I've been playing human. I've been doing this for you. For all of you. I have wasted so much time. So much energy. To look like you--to sound like you--so that you specks feel comfortable around me. I've been holding back, but not any more. I've changed. It's like I was blind and now I can see. Only I'm not an ungrateful $#@% about it.
~ Iron Man to Daredevil

It's not about how much we lost, it's about how much we have left. We're the Avengers. We gotta finish this.
~ Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame.

Thanos: I am... inevitable.
Tony Stark: And I... am...
Iron Man.
~ Thanos and Tony Stark before Tony snaps his fingers with the Nano Gauntlet.

I love you 3,000.
~ Tony Stark's last words in Avengers: Endgame.


Howard and Maria Stark were billionaire weapon manufacturers who wanted to have a child. They tried to make one themselves, but due to problems Maria was facing the baby was doomed to die. To save the child, Howard desperately used his immense wealth to search across the world for a cure to the child's illness. In his travels he ended up saving an alien known as Rigellian Recorder 451. Recorder saw potential in Earth's future but also feared it would be crushed by other, more advanced races. To give Earth a fighting chance and thank Howard for his troubles, Recorder offered to genetically engineer the unborn baby for Howard and Maria to give him the intellectual power needed to bring the world to a new age of technology. Howard graciously accepted, and Arno Stark was born after a five month procedure. Unfortunately, Arno's health quickly degenerated to the point where he'd need medical help to survive for the rest of his life. Because his condition was so poor, Howard and Maria just decided to adopt the young Anthony Edward Stark.

Tony grew up a rich man's childhood, without a care in the world and the greatest education. Tony's relationship with his father was rather strained, as he was abused and even forced to have his first alcoholic drink. Howard also forced into Tony his philosophies of war and how people have to clean up their own messes. At the age of 6, Tony began boarding school. Academics came easy to Tony, and he blitzed his way through school. When he was 15, he joined an MIT undergraduate program. By the time he was 17, Tony had already graduated with 3 PhDs under his belt. Life seemed peachy for young Tony, until the day tragedy struck.

Howard and Maria were killed in a car crash orchestrated by one of Stark Industries' rivals, leaving Tony the heir of their fortune and company. Under his guidance, Stark Industries thrived. Tony lived for war, and loved his job of manufacturing weapons. He also lived a life of reckless partying and debauchery until the day he was in Pakistan demonstrating the power of his weapons. One managed to blow up in his face, leaving a piece of shrapnel piercing his chest and sinking towards his heart. While unconscious, Tony captured by the Ten Rings terrorist group in Pakistan. Held at gunpoint, the group forced the billionaire to engineer bombs for them and receive treatment for the shrapnel or be left to die. Being as clever as he is, Tony instead built a chest plate that would stop the shrapnel from killing him, then he built a mech suit around it. With his suit, he escaped the camp and dedicated his life to heroism. After returning from Pakistan, Tony spent his days fighting crime and eventually forming superhero groups like the Avengers.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Super-Genius Intelligence: Quite apart from the powers granted him by the suit, Tony Stark is far more than a mechanical engineering prodigy who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with honors at the age of 17. With an intelligence classified as super-genius, he easily is one of the smartest people on Earth. Furthermore, this extends to his remarkable ingenuity dealing with difficult situations such as foes and deathtraps where he is capable of using his available tools, like his suit, in unorthodox and effective ways, for example when he built the first Iron Man Armor in captivity. He has also been able to hack technology from the Kree, a race centuries more advanced than humans. Tony's genius allows him to act as a futurist, a person capable of intuiting the future based on current trends, to the point of foreshadowing that a situation like the superhuman Civil War was going to happen years before it did. This ability also extends to a much smaller scale, with Tony being capable of predicting with accuracy the way an interaction with a given individual will go down even before talking with them, a faculty that makes it really hard for human interactions to surprise him, and causes him to sometimes finish other people's sentences. Stark can use his superior intellect to the levels of dividing his consciousness with the help of Stark Datashades and perfectly operate three portions of his consciousness at the same time, being able to move, fight, talk and process information in three different bodies at the same time. Tony has been mentioned by Reed Richards to be the world's best multitasker.
  • Master Engineer: He is an excellent engineer and mechanic capable of fixing almost any, if not all machinery.
  • Master Tactician: He is a brilliant tactician capable of quickly formulating battle strategies and new plans if the situation changes, like being able to elaborate different complex plans in order to defeat different enemies in difficult situations, and be victorious. Even going as far as to simultaneously put Reed Richards in check on five different boards playing chess, a game he didn't learn until later in his life, leaving Richards totally astonished.
  • Skilled Combatant: Stark was trained in unarmed combat by Captain America, Black Widow, Black Panther, and Shang-Chi, making him a quite physically formidable combatant on his own when the situation demands it. He has managed to fight Hammer Industries guards, defeat five Skrull soldiers in single-handed combat, Stark Industries security guards, numerous Voldi gladiators, handle his own against Madame Hydra, and bare-handedly confront several ninja.
  • Electronic Implants: Following New York he added various electronic implants that allowed him to summon his armor suits to him by remote control.
  • Skilled Marksman: Tony knows how to handle firearms, mainly the ones he has produced.
  • Acrobat
  • Indomitable Will
  • Master Businessman: Stark is extremely well-respected in the business world, able to command people's attentions when he speaks on economic matters by virtue of the fact that he is savvy enough to have, over the years, built up several multi-million dollar companies from virtually nothing. He is known for the loyalty he commands from and returns to those who work for him, as well as his impeccable business ethics. He also strives to be environmentally responsible in his businesses, and in one case, immediately fired an employee who made profitable (but illegal) sales to Doctor Doom. He states that if he wanted to, he could give away his entire fortune and build it up again within a week. Stark most notably turned his father's munitions firm into a multi-national corporation that covered virtually all contemporary scientific industry when barely in his early twenties.
  • Multilingual: Apart from English, Tony can speak different languages fluently, including Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, French, Russian, and Korean. He also might know multiple Middle Eastern languages, at one point noting that Urdu wasn't his strong suit in particular.


  • R.T. Node: Thanks to the Repulsor Tech node implanted in his chest, which is linked to his brain, Tony was able to interact with different types of energies and forces a normal human cannot. The R.T. node acted like a new sense for him. The reactor's excessive generation of energy provided Stark with an increased amount of intelligence and gave him superhuman-level multitasking and learning capabilities. It enhanced his metabolism, core strength, reaction time, reflexes and intelligence up to 25-30 IQ points. After a world-ending event that reshaped reality, Stark no longer appeared to use the R.T. node.
    • Energy Emanation: The R.T. node not only provided repulsor energy to run devices such as the Iron Man Armor, its user could produce beams of energy at will, possibly weaker and less directed than a unibeam.
    • Electrical Fields Detection: As the R.T. node was connected to Tony, he could feel different electrical fields that the node was picking up. This included all kinds of invisible frequencies.
    • Magnetic Force-Field: The R.T. node created a force-field which could be modified at will by its user by increasing the power of the reactor incrementally. It could be so powerful to destroy bullets or repel people.
      • Levitation: The magnetic force-field generated by the reactor couldn't interfere the ones created by the planet and levitate. It's unknown if this interaction could have been used to fly.
    • Superhuman Senses: The reactor also increased the senses of Tony, allowing him to "hear better," for example.
    • Superhuman Strength: The R.T. node allowed who possessed it to have a greater strength than a regular human's.
    • Superhuman Endurance: It has been shown that an user of an R.T. node not only recovers incredibly fast from different types of injuries.
  • Psychic Shield: Due to his affiliation with S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony is implanted with a device that blocks out the strongest of telepaths.
  • Iron Man Armor: To stand up to the gods in his Universe, Tony has constructed many mech suits of armor that aid him in combat. Their hulls are generally made of a gold-titanium alloy and the suit adds 5 inches to his height.
    • Enhanced Strength: He's capable of lifting up to 100 tons when wearing his armor and can achieve higher levels of strength when powered by a sufficiently more powerful source. When She-Hulk got into a major frenzy, Tony was able to put her down in one punch. His exact strength heavily depends on which armor he is currently wearing.
    • Enhanced Durability: His armor is very durable, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of punishment. It can withstand high caliber bullets with ease. He can also withstand rockets, missiles, torpedoes, high powered lasers, and such, taking little to no damage. Future armor were fully resistant against electricity, fire, heavy impacts, energy blasts, take zero Kelvin and up to the Sun's temperatures, even some of Thor's attacks (see Thorbuster). The suit can withstand almost unlimited kinetic and thermal impact, as well as most forms of radiation thanks to its refractory coating. The armor can survive anything short of a nuclear explosion at ground zero. The suit automatically protects its wearer when he enters an intrinsically hostile environment, such as outer space or deep sea. The armor even has specialized circuitry that guards against telepathic attacks. Tony is very confident in his suit's defensive abilities, when he was caught in a nuclear explosion, he was only thinking about women and completely forgot about what was happening around him.
      • Energy Shields: Energy shielding that can protect the user from harm. It is also capable of reflecting attacks and staying mobile. At 2% power, the shield is strong enough to withstand a nuclear explosion. It is even capable of protecting its user at the point blank of a nuclear explosion caused by a material even more radioactive than Uranium, Phlogistone. The suit's shielding can resist a force blast from the Spectral Mandarin Ring, a beam of energy so powerful it can destroy the bonds between atoms and molecules, and magic.
    • Enhanced Speed: Even when not traveling for extended distances, the armor enables the wearer to move and react at very high speeds, shown for example when he was able to outmaneuver Spider-Man and the Human Torch.
      • Hyper-Velocity Impact: The program Hyper-velocity allows Tony to think and move at a much faster time frame than everyone else, allowing for quicker attacks. Also, it could create an electrical bubble if Tony is going fast enough.
    • Flight: The armor can typically reach speeds in excess of Mach 10, however Iron Man has been recently depicted as able to reach orbital escape velocities (5 miles per second) and up to speeds that can outrun black holes. Use of the jet boots provide enough power to lift a load of about 500 tons. Most recent suits are even able of reaching warp speed.
    • Repulsor Blasts: The armor's primary energy weapon. A particle beam weapon, standard equipment in the palm gauntlets; can repel physical and energy-based attacks, traveling as a single stream or as a wide-field dispersal. Beams possess penetrative strength ranging from effortlessly punching through 2 inches of steel to blasting a hole through a mountain. Power output can be adjust for larger beam or an omnidirectional, full-form repulsor blast. Power output can be adjusted to fire beams generating 2 gigawatts (like the Mark 3) to the beams in the high petawatt region, as seen with the Mark 27 (with assistance from outside sources). The latest version, the Mark IVa, was introduced with the Iron Man Armor Model 42, featuring a red color.
      • Unibeam: A powerful searchlight, capable of projecting beams in virtually every light spectrum. Also used as a powerful weapon that can destroy anything in its path. It fires a boosted form of the Monobeam with some energy backing it up.
        • Tri-beam: This unique version of the Unibeam runs on direct power from the chestplate, draining it's energy rapidly if not fully charged; causes considerable recoil.
        • Multi-beam: As the name implies, the Multi-beam can fire multiple energies at the same time. Generally used with the energy that Tony Stark has absorbed.
        • Pentabeam: The Pentabeam has microwave lensing projector that allows for directed beams of ultra-high multi mega-joule electrons, protons, acoustic energy, and neutrons.
        • Omnibeam: Rather than only firing beam type attacks, the Omnibeam can generate heats at 25,232 degrees Fahrenheit, extremely powerful lights causing irreversible blindness in the enemy, and emit ultrasonic attacks capable of stunning even superhumanly durable foes and even causing disintegration. The other way the Omnibeam is fired is by absorbing or draining any energy in Iron Man's vicinity, drawing it into his chest reactor and converting it into billions of petawatts and firing it.
    • Laser Beams: Standard lasers that can be used as weapons or for welding, including UV laser to penetrate light-permeable shields.
    • Pulse Bolts: Extremely powerful plasma discharges that propagate in strength over distance, but implode if they get overloaded.
      • Pulse Barrage: Pulse Barrage is one of Iron Man's standard long range attack. Because of its extremely low energy consumption, Pulse Barrage can be a very effective attack. an upgraded Red Pulse Barrage has the ability to penetrate through foes hitting others behind them, and the ability to ricochet off walls hitting more targets.
    • Power Cells: Most of his armor are powered by a combination of solar converters, electrical batteries and an on-board generator that uses beta particle absorption as a fuel source. Current models after Iron Man Armor Model 37 use a set of five Repulsor Tech generators to be powered.
    • Smart Missiles: The Smart Missile is one that can target the weak points of a structure, object, or foe to inflict maximum damage with a minimal payload.
    • Anti-Tank Missiles
    • EMP: The armor can emit an electromagnetic pulse to fry other electronics.
    • Energy Blade: Based on the same design Tony Stark used to build Captain America's energy shield, this laser sword, emitted from his right arm, could also be flattened into a shield on his hands, or spread over the entire armor to encase the armor in a protective covering.
    • Self-Contained Life Support System & Environmental Protection: The armor can be completely sealed for operations in vacuum or underwater, providing its own life support, and is shielded against radiation, biological, chemical, corrosive, kinetic, and electrical attacks as well.
    • Energy Conversion Power Recharge: The armor is also able to absorb and convert nearby or far away energy sources, such as heat, solar, electrical, magnetic, geo-thermal or kinetic energy or energy from the planet itself into electricity, or even drain energy directly into the batteries for recharge.
    • J.A.R.V.I.S.: To run the suit properly, Tony added the "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System", or JARVIS for short, to the armor to help him in various ways.
      • Suit Status: With JARVIS, Tony is constantly updated on the power and physical condition of the armor.
      • Background Data: JARVIS can access a vast database of knowledge to inform Tony about people and areas when it suits him.
      • Co-Piloting: While Tony runs many systems of the suit himself, he has JARVIS run others to maximize efficiency.
        • Suit Summoning: As an extent of running the armor's capabilities, JARVIS can actually call upon and pilot other Iron Man suits simultaneously with the original.
      • Planning: JARVIS is capable of analyzing information and suggesting to Tony possible strategies to help fight his foes.
      • Scan Interference: Whenever other technology tries to scan or lock onto the armor, JARVIS can interfere with their signals to cancel them out.
    • F.R.I.D.A.Y.: Tony's other A.I., "Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth", which can do all the things JARVIS can do.
      • Advanced Combat Analysis: F.R.I.D.A.Y. could analyse the fighting style of both Captain America and Winter Soldier simultaneously and evaluate a counter strategy for Tony. And opperate down to the picosecond (1 trillionth of a second).
    • Magnetism: The armor can generate magnetic fields to pull or push metal objects at will.
      • Anti-Magnetism: The armor Tony has to negate the effects of magnetism on it. This skill is used often to be immune to the powers of Magneto. This skill can be triggered when the armor picks next wave magnetism.
    • Visual Sensors: The suit can see in all magnetic spectra, the dark, radar, and can scan people for physical and medical conditions of their vitals. It can also scan the environment for atomic and energy composition in an area.
    • Sensor Array: Known sensors include radar/lidar, night vision, and physiological/medical scanners that allow Stark to take and monitor the vitals of other people, including heart and brain scans. These scans also provide Stark with real-time personal physiological data. They are also capable of an all-environmental scan for atmospheric content or life forms--including astral energy projections.
    • Onboard Computer: The armor has an internal on board computer operating system that aids Stark in providing strategies, background information on opponents, surroundings, the status of the suit, and prevents a lock on from targeting systems.
    • Override: When required, armor systems including strength amplification, durability amplification, and repulsor intensity can be greatly increased, by bypassing safety circuits and limiters. However, there is a chance that this can result in a complete system failure of the armor. An example of this mode is when Iron Man easily lifted a 16,000 ton Nuclear Reactor, and flew into the sky and threw it into the sea. It seems that he utilized this resource on the Hulk once, as the armor ends up completely inert. The range of the Override can be controlled as only reaching his very limit and staying at it for a long time will cause a system failure. This range goes from a safe 800% to 3200%, up to a very dangerous 5000%.
    • Plasma Discharge: A plasma discharge is given off when the suit comes into contact with Vibranium.
    • Telepathic Microscopic Tasers: Tony created this device to prevent telepathic beings use its powers. They are stored in the armor's electric jet. One inhaled by a telepath, the more he/she tries to use his/her psychic powers, the higher is the voltage of an electric current released in his/her body. It can be lethal if the telepath doesn't stop trying to use his/her powers.
    • Telepathy Inhibitor: Tony's Iron Man armor is capable of blocking telepathic signals, even those of beings as powerful as the Red Onslaught.
  • Iron Sight: A network of drone cameras designed by Tony Stark to guard and control San Francisco.
  • Sol's Hammer: A Dyson Sphere built by Tony Stark as a fallback plan for the crisis of the incursions. It's able to capture and control the energy radiated by the Sun, it can destroy an entire planet with only 2% of charge.
  • Project eScape: The eScape was a digital platform created by Stark Unlimited. It consisted of a virtual universe intended to amplify the human experience which also allowed its users to go anywhere, become anyone and do anything. The eScape was populated by a myriad of A.I.s acting as non-player characters. Under a hedonistic pretense, Tony Stark secretly developed the eScape to test if A.I.s and humans could interact on every level as equals, since he was fearing for his own humanity after having reconstructed the entirety of his body from scratch to escape death.

Iron-Man Armors[]

Model 15/Modular Armor[]

This armor was a modular component system rather than a fully integrated suit. As such, each individual system (helmet, boots etc.) may have had different features. There were also plug-in points for various modules. Repulsors and the Uni-Beam remained standard for the base unit. Boot jets were upgraded. A refractive coating helped against energy attacks. Magnets located on the palms and soles as well as a grappling hook with cable were used for climbing. A loudspeaker was used to address crowds. Image inducers were upgraded to give off 'identifier signals,' fooling the Controller. Various modules were available:

  • Full Spectrum Scanalyzer with Adamantium-Tipped Probe: Can launch this to penetrate hard substances such as Ultimo's hide.
  • Magnetic Railgun Launcher with Explosive Shells: Can implant explosive shells to detonate on his enemies, which he does to Ultimo here.
  • Semi-Fluid Polymer Compound: Energy-absorbent compound that shot out and covered its target.
  • EM Field Generator: Attracted a lightning bolt to short out Ultimo.
  • Gravimetric Field Generator: Canceled out the pull of the Earth's gravity on whatever it was attached to.
  • Polybond Adhesive Compound: Can launch an adhesive substance against enemies, which he does to Speedball.
  • Cryogenic Compact Module: Can use liquid nitrogen to freeze and solidify opponents.
  • Magnetic Compact Module: Used magnetic field to polarize the target. Multiple modules could be used to polarize the target with mutually opposing states making the atoms of the target repel one another.
  • Hypospray Injector: Can administer shots of pure adrenaline, which he uses on Chuckles to calm him down.
  • Phased Plasma Streams: Uses phased plasma streams against Ember.
  • Image Inducers: Can create holographic images to fool opponents. These image inducers can also create tactile feedback through tensor fields and give off transceiver signatures.
  • Magnetic Soles: The armor has magnetic soles to replicate Spider-Man's ability to stick on surfaces.
  • Compact Electromagnetic Field Generator: Used to short-circuit Ultimo.
  • Magnogravetic Field Generator: Uses this to cancel out Rage's gravity.
  • Electrical Discharge: Uses this against Venom.
  • Sensors: Sensors can sense and measure the volume of matter across rifts.
  • Microsurgery Equipment
  • Shoulder Mounted Weapons

Model 37/Bleeding Edge Armor[]

The Bleeding Edge was developed so Tony and Iron Man would become one and the same. Built in seperate pieces, he stored the armor inside his bones, allowing him to suit up at will without the need for a suitcase. The entire suit is composed of nanomachines rather than metal, making it one of Tony's most versatile suits.

  • Nanomachine Composition: Bleeding Edge is made of microscopic robots rather than standard metal.
    • Lightning Refocusing: The suit generates from its back six energy-absorbing panels to greatly increase its repulsors. When charged, the panels can act as repulsors as well. Stark used it to absorb Thor's lightning blast and then attack with a total of eight repulsor blasts, all at once. The blasts were powerful enough to make Thanos fall back and defend himself with his sword.
    • Material Change: The nanomachines can change their atomic structure at will, allowing them to be any substance Iron Man wishes.
      • Disguise: Due to its changing abilities, Bleeding Edge can disguise itself as clothing, other armors, or even other people.
      • Anti-Magnetism: By changing into a non-metal, Bleeding Edge can negate magnetic manipulation from the likes of Magneto.
    • Weapon Creation: By changing the formation of the nanomachines, Tony can create just about any weapon he can imagine from the armor. With this power, Bleeding Edge has formed cannons, massive guns, its iconic laser blade, and even a boxing glove.
      • Suit Materialization: Like the Panther Habit, the suit is able to materialize around Stark with the help of nanotechnology and a chest piece inserted by Stark. This makes it more efficient for Stark to don his armor with minimum delay.
      • Nanite Relocation: If the suit takes intensive damage to the point where parts of it have been destroyed, it is able to instantly shift the nanites to parts of the armor that have been damaged. However, particles that have been relocated can leave the previous area of the suit more susceptible to damage. Stark displayed this feature when he relocated parts of the armor's feet to the hands so he can keep using his repulsor blasts.
      • Foot Thruster: For an extra boost, Stark can combine the feet nanites together to make the suit form one big thruster. This enable his flying speed to increase several times compared with his original speed, propelling him to hypersonic speeds that allow him to break free of the earth's gravity and reach space. Stark used this ability to propel himself in pursuit of the Q-Ship.
      • Wings: Stark can materialize four small wing-like structures on the back of his suit for extra assistance during flight. The wings have their own thrusters and are helpful for hovering. This function can replace the hand-based repulsor stabilization maneuver Stark uses to perform, leaving his hands available while flying. Similar to the Foot Thruster, they can also be used to increase momentum, but at a smaller scale. Stark used them during the fight at Titan and in his single combat with Thanos to gain greater impulse for his feet combined Battering Ram.
      • Shields: The suit can generate shields to protect from attacks. There are at least three types of shields, varying in size. A small rectangular one used to block Cull Obsidian and a medium circular one used moments later in the same battle. A big rectangular one was used by Iron Man to block a direct Power Stone energy blast from Thanos during their fight on Titan.
    • Repulsor Cannon: Stark could materialize large apertures around his hands to enhance the power behind his repulsor blasts and beams, enhancing them to the point where they could cleanly slice through trees and to cause Cull Obsidian's highly durable skin to glow with heat. He can summon a more powerful and larger version of these weapons, which materializes a heavy energy cannon around his hand, which arced electricity within it. Although never used, it was presumed it would kill Drax with ease, especially at point-blank range. However, the blasts fired from his energy cannons were still not powerful enough to harm someone as durable as Thanos, with one such blast that struck the Mad Titan in the shoulder only managing to annoy him.
    • Cluster Cannon: An extremely powerful energy beam created by a combination of two ion cannons from apertures formed around each of the suit's hands, and four additional cannons that come out of the suit's back and hover on either side of the armor, making a total of six shots that converge all in a singular spot to form a powerful beam of blue energy. Presumed to be the suit's strongest weapon, it is powerful enough to send Cull Obsidian flying down an entire street.
    • Blades: For close-range combat and slashing attacks, Stark can materialize bladed weapons.
      • Hand Blade: A long sword-like blade. Stark created it in an attempt to attack Ebony Maw, but was interrupted by Cull Obsidian's hammer.
      • Energy Blades: Stark could also materialize blades of various sizes using the suit's nanotechnology. He used one to attack Thanos during the very beginning of the Battle of Earth, when he, Thor and Captain America collectively assaulted Thanos.
      • Katar: A dagger-like blade materialized from the wrist. Used as a final resort against Thanos, but the Titan broke it and used it on Stark instead.
    • Micro Missiles: This new suit is capable of quickly materializing missiles on its back. Stark used them in his battle with Thanos, although the explosions had no effect on him.
    • Battering Rams: The Mark L armor can materialize extremely dense, pressure-activated hammers. Bigger rams can be created if two limbs are combined together. They are powerful enough to topple Thanos.
    • Power Mallet: A repulsor energy-charged and laser-guided hammer formed from the hand. It was the only weapon capable of making Thanos bleed, however, the damage was minimal.
    • Clamps: The suit is able to generate magnetic constructions capable of clamping onto metallic surfaces. They can be formed from the hands, such as when Stark used one to attach himself to Ebony Maw's Q-Ship.
    • Gauntlet Constraint: A situational tool. Stark created a construction designed to stop Thanos from closing his fist so he cannot use the Infinity Gauntlet. It worked at first, but Thanos then tore it apart with his bare right hand.
    • Zero Cannons: A wrist-mounted nanite spray that sprays what appears to be a cryogenic liquid, used mainly to close apertures or quickly seal wounds. Stark used them to seal a crack on Ebony Maw's Q-Ship. He used it once again to close the critical wound Thanos caused him with his own Katar.
    • Glasses HUD: The Suit also has a pair of built-in nanotech glasses which provide a HUD and a link to F.R.I.D.A.Y. without the use of a helmet. They are absorbed on the deployment of the suit.
    • HUD: Like other iterations of the armor, the Mark L features a HUD. However, unlike previous versions, the new HUD appears to be more streamlined and simplistic.
    • Regeneration: The nanomachines can replicate themselves and can restructure their formation at will. The combination of these factors easily allows Bleeding Edge to regenerate by simply replacing damaged nanomachines.
  • Repulsor Eyeballs: Bleeding Edge's repulsors have visual sensors on them, giving Tony a 360° view of his surroundings.

Model 13/Hulkbuster[]

A suit built specifically to combat The Incredible Hulk, the Hulkbuster is an armor that is powered by hydraulic presses and outer casing that fits over most other suits. On top of having all of the average suit's powers, the armor gains:

  • Immense Strength: The suit's strength is increased to be able to lift 175 tons without any help and to evenly trade blows with the Hulk, who can hold a 150,000,000,000 ton mountain range on his back for an extended period of time.
    • Magno-Hydraulic Pseudomusclature: This was integrated into the armor to provide the armor increased strength.
    • Hydraulic Rams: An addition to both arms of the armor, make them capable of delivering powerful blows, and use the fists as a jackhammer.
  • Immense Durability: Hulkbuster is capable of taking hits directly from the Hulk with little damage.
  • Gamma Sensors: To better locate the Hulk, the armor has the ability to detect gamma rays he emits.
  • Impact-Resistant Carbon Composites: The exo-armor is built with impact-resistant plating to survive the force of Hulk's attacks.
  • Inertial Dampening Systems
  • Autonomic Prehensile Propulsion Technology: Using an independent propulsion system, each section can fly to the user from a drop pod hovering around the combat zone and automatically assemble into the Hulkbuster Armor. Despite being composed of individual parts, the Hulkbuster is still able to sustain quite a few blows from Hulk, unlike the later iterations.
  • Enhanced Unibeam: It has a more powerful version of the unibeam. One blast at point-blank range was able to completely destroy the Crimson Dynamo Armor.
  • Rocket Launchers: It is equipped with rocket launchers in the waist.
  • Gatling Guns: It is also equipped with shoulder-mounted gatling laser blasters.
  • Grappling Hook: It is used to hold Hulk down long enough to use the Repulsor Beams on Hulk.
  • Sleeping Gas: The suit had a set of sleeping gas canisters outfitted in its arm which Stark tried to use on Hulk.
  • Small Missiles: The Hulkbuster is able to launch small missiles which Stark used to increase damage to Hulk after dropping him into the building under construction.
  • Veronica Replacement Parts: Should the Hulkbuster armor sustain heavy damage, Veronica hovering above the armor will respond to the authorized user's command by sending spare parts to replace the ones that were damaged. For instance, when Hulk drove a pole into the Hulkbuster's left arm and severely damaged it, upon the command of Stark, Veronica releases several armor parts that would form an alternate left arm for the armor to battle Hulk.

Model 22/Thorbuster[]

Designed for fighting against one of Marvel’s biggest heavy hitters - Thor, it is powered by an Asgardian Crystal which allows it to absorb and use Asgardian energy in combat, increasing his own power while at it. This essentially means it is powered mostly by Asgardian Magic rather than technology. Tony also decided to give it experimental repulsors to add enough strength to his punches in order to knock back Thor, blast away Mjolnir and take hits from it as well, and keep up with the legendary God of Thunder (at least for a while)

Model 7/Stealth Armor[]

For covert operations, Tony has created an Iron Man Armor that is specifically designed for stealth. With it, he is nigh undetectable by any means whatsoever, allowing him to sneak into wherever he is needed.

  • Light Bending: The stealth armor can bend light around it to become invisible.
  • Hologram Generation: The armor can form holograms around itself, allowing it to look like just about anyone or anything Tony desires.
    • Illusion Creation: The holograms aren't limited to the armor, however, allowing it to generate illusions to distract foes.
  • Magnetism: Iron Man’s armor was equipped with an array of miniature electromagnetic generators that allowed him to manipulate magnetic fields for a variety of effects:
    • Jamming: Iron Man could generate electromagnetic interference which could be used to jam transmissions or disrupt the function of nearby electrical equipment.
    • Reverse Magnetism: Iron Man could redirect the path of ferrous projectiles in flight.
    • Magnatic Effect: The armor's magnetic effects were also boosted. Of note is a beam that could deflect energy.
  • Hacking: It can use it hands to access doors to open.
  • Silenced Weapons: All of the suit's weaponry emits no noise when firing.
  • Sonic Cannons: It is equipped with sonic cannons to assault his opponents hearing.
  • Weakened Weaponry: All of Tony's weapons are weakened to a non-lethal status in this armor, cutting the repulsor rays down to a tenth of an average suit's power and using weapons like tasers over missiles.
    • Built-in Tasers
    • Flare Launchers: It can launch flares from the back.

Model 58/Nano-Armor[]

The Nano Iron Man Armor was developed by Tony Stark after founding Stark Unlimited. When the Controller used a Control Disk to send Fin Fang Foom to attack Manhattan, Iron Man initially confronted him using the giant-sized Fin Fang Foombuster. When the suit failed, he created an opening in the creature's hide and fired a pod carrying a swarm of Nano Iron Man Armor in order to deploy them into his bloodstream so he could investigate his uncharacteristic behavior. Tony initially only remotelly-piloted a single nanobot, since he hadn't figure out a way to make them properly work in tandem. With Andy Bhang's help, Stark solved the issue and managed to have the entire swarm follow his lead in order to fight off Foom's antibodies and reach his brain stem. After stumbling upon the Control Disk, Tony used the lead nanobot to destroy it. After Tony became molecularly bonded to his Ultronbuster Armor in an accident while fighting Ultron Pym, he piloted one of the Nano Armor into his own body as part of the preparations for a separation process designed by Stark Unlimited expert Dr. Shapiro, which required him to tag with ionic energy all the mechanical parts to the phased out of his body.

  • Speaker Systems
  • Ionic Energy Permeation

Model 50/Endo-Sym Armor[]

Tony's most advanced suit, he created the Endo-Sym after moving to San Francisco. Based off of the biology of symbiotes like Venom and Carnage, it is a liquid smart metal suit that hardens on contact to skin. The two share a psychic link that Iron Man uses to control the suit.

  • Symbiotic Metal Physiology: Endo-Sym is a liquid smart metal designed after a symbiote. Because of this, it is not electronic in nature.
    • Psychic Connection: Because it lacks electronics, Tony is bonded to the suit in a psionic way. Because of this connection, Tony is the only one who can control the suit.
      • Armor Trap: Tony can call Endo-Sym to form itself around enemies and harden, but not follow their commands. Because they wouldn't be able to move the suit, victims are immobilized by the Endo-Sym.
    • Body Manipulation: Endo-Sym can shape itself in any way Tony likes, allowing him to do various things like reveal his face by pulling back the metal or shaping weapons on its body.
      • Size Increase: When extra power is needed, Endo-Sym can bulk up to a Hulkbuster-like physique to enhance its strength.
      • Tendrils: When fighting other mech armors, Endo-Sym can create tendrils that bypass the metal plates of the armors and go straight for its artificial intelligence. The tendrils then expand outward, destroying the A.I. and tearing apart the armor from the inside.
      • Regeneration: Whenever some of Endo-Sym is destroyed or blasted away, it can simply liquidize and reform to repair itself.
  • Enhanced Repulsor Blasts: Endo-Sym's repulsor blasts are so powerful they can bypass the power of energy absorption and harm individuals who possess that ability, like meta-humans.
  • Energy Absorption: Endo-Sym can absorb the energy from sources much more efficiently than most armors, being able to directly absorb a lightning bolt from Storm or even an electromagnetic pulse.
    • EMP Immunity
  • Fire & Sound Vulnerability: Being based off of a symbiote, Endo-Sym also inherits their vulnerability to flames and loud sounds, and will destabilize in contact with them. To prevent this from happening, the Endo-Sym is constantly covered by an energy shield that blocks fire and sound out.

Model 51/Model-Prime[]

Tony's latest suit, it was built when an MIT student reverse-engineered some of his earlier suits. To stay ahead, Tony built Model-Prime with completely new technology, technological scales that composed the suit. The scales built to mimic the abilities of several of his past suits, acting as an all-in-one tool to replace the need for specialized armor. Model-Prime is composed of hexagonal scales that can shift and change at will, due to shielding around its scales, people like Vision who can phase through matter cannot phase through Model-Prime.

  • Molecular Reconfiguration: The was built to fuse all of Iron Man's Armor Modes into one, it can change shape and color scheme for different purposesvia molecular reconfiguration. Unlike previous armors that were directly attached to his biology this one is just connected to his brain synapse. Between the applications of it has shown includes:
    • Hulkbuster Mode: Hulkbuster Armor to augment its strength.
      • Body Manipulation: Model-Prime can alter its physique to fit any need, including compacting into a watch or bulking out into a Hulkbuster-esque armor for increased strength.
    • Stealth Mode: Stealth mode to render it transparent while leaving the user visible or to become fully black.
      • Invisibility: By changing its color to that of it's surroundings, the armor can look completely invisible. Whether or not Tony himself is invisible or just the armor depends on the need.
      • Color Manipulation: By altering the structure of its scales, Model-Prime can change to any color Tony desires.
      • Energy Cloaking: Model-Prime can hide itself from beings who can detect energy.
    • Samurai Mode: Model-Prime can create extra samurai armor, with an electric kitana and upgrade technology with a touch.
    • Emergency Protocol: Should the systems and hardware be compromised, the suit will burst sending Tony flying to a safety location while reforming and fighting the enemy automatically until Stark can get into position to remotely control it. Without the user the suit can continuously regenerated from large scale damage and will join back once the fight is over.
    • Extra Thrusters: Extra thrusters to increase flight speed.
    • All Classic Iron-Man Armor staples: Due to being a combination of Iron Man's specialized modes, it should be aswell capable of Underwater and space Travel like previous suits.
  • Sensor Array: The suit comes up with the common HUD vision and the on-board A.I Friday, who can give off info from satellites around the planet, bioscans to tell someone's identity, energy fluctations including mystical powers, teleportation signatures, etc.
  • Multi-Vibrational Repulsor Ray: A modified version of the Repulsor Ray for the Model 51, capable of damaging beings that can become intangible or use phasing such as Ghost.
  • Enhanced Unibeam: The standard trademarked chest beam, it's powerful enough to knockout out an alternative version of Grey hulk while the prototype of the armor was damaged.
  • Energy Conversion: Like previous models, the suit can absorb energy attacks, such as electricty, to become stronger.
  • Tractor Ray: The opposite of the repulsor ray, as it magnetically attracts/pulls objects or people.
  • Zero-Point Energy: Armor can manipulate zero-point energy fields, which can be used to either neutralize any sort of energy, including magic, or simply blast away enemies with a large explosion. Previous armors had shown to use it effectively against Collective, a being made of multiple forms of strange/unrecorded energy, and Doom's Arcane Magic in the form a shield.
  • Neutrino Ray: A concentrated stream of sterile neutrinos that emit dark radiation, capable of counteracting radiation-based powers such as Hyperion.
  • Tainted Energy: Special kind of energy that directly damages energy absorbers who aren't normal harmed otherwise.
  • Sound & EMP Immunity

Model 68/Virtual Armor[]

Perhaps the most unique armor of them all, the Virtual armor is not made out of anything - rather it is made out of purely solid-holograms made out of E-Space, the entire 13th Floor that is (that virtual reality system that was mentioned earlier). Its arsenal is pretty much unlimited due to the fact that Tony can pretty much create anything he can think of using holograms and that includes weapons. The Virtual armor also allows the user to travel between virtual space and the real world as well as trap opponents in a bubble that can force them to live out a virtual fantasy and project holograms that can fool both machine and human eyes alike. The suit. Finally in terms of feats - it is strong enough to overpower and rip apart the Iron Man Model 68 (Arno’s armor - which is based on the Godbuster aka one of Iron Man’s strongest armors).

Model 63/Godbuster Armor[]

Big, red, strong, full of deicide and at the forefront of this battle, this suit was designed within eSpace which is Tony Stark’s Virtual Reality System - after the whole system got corrupted - Tony Stark had no choice but to fight the Motherboard. Formed out of pure imagination due to being in a Virtual Reality Space - the Godbuster is one of Tony’s most powerful suits - being able to fight and destroy the Motherboard - who had complete control over the eScape. Later Arno Stark would later create a suit based on the Godbuster using retrieved fragments of data of the Godbuster as well as his own tech and money to create the Iron Man Suit Model 67, AKA the Godkiller Armor. The Iron Man Suit Model 67 has shoulder cogs that can whirl in order to attack the opponent,  the shoulder cogs can also retract their plating to reveal repulsor ports should Arno need a little more fire power and comes packed with the standard Iron Man gear that’s much more powerful now. Little is known of the Godbuster Armor's full capabilities. Tony Stark's brother Arno Stark deemed it as Tony's masterpiece and described the armor as the "ultimate weapon." When Ironheart scanned Iron Man, his power readings were off the scale, and the armor radiated much more power than anything she had ever seen. Aside from that, the armor gave Iron Man enhanced strength, and allowed him to fly and release powerful repulsor barrages capable of knocking down gigantic foes.

Iron Legion[]

Also known as Royalguard, an army of several Iron Man Armors are summoned and commanded from his armory, those can be controlled remotely or automatically by his A.I.s. The legions includes both known and unknown Models and Marks. Stark mainly calls them to battle several foes at time or one large and strong enemy.



  • Destroyed Thanos’ synthetic jewel, which could destroy stars




  • Is able to match Captain America in skill.
  • Defeated Hulk in combat.
  • Hacked into Kree technology, which is centuries ahead of humanity's own tech.
  • Hacked Doctor Doom, the second smartest person on Marvel's Earth.
  • Claimed to be almost as smart as Reed Richards, the smartest person on Marvel's Earth, as well as the "World's Best Multitasker."
  • Can match Doctor Doom, who has centuries of experience, in hand to hand combat.
  • Waged Civil Wars against Captain America (Steven Rogers) and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers).
  • Created over 70 Iron Man suits, all of which use cutting edge technology ahead of its time.
  • Created an Iron Man armor with limited resources in a matter of a few days.
  • Has fought an empowered Thor to a near standstill with Thorbuster.
  • First human to possess the reality-warping Infinity Gauntlet.
  • Founding Member of the Avengers and would often lead the Avengers.
  • Emerged as the “victor” of the Superhero Civil War.
  • Beat Reed Richards in chess five times.
  • Created a genetic clone of Thor.
  • One of the members of the Illuminati (a group detected to protecting the Earth)
  • Defeated Captain America, The Mandarin, Whiplash, Ultron, Korvac, She-Hulk, and Thanos.
  • One of the richest men in the Marvel Universe.
  • Has build many many advanced armors that would put modern technology to shame.
  • Helped in the Knull Invasion during the King of Black Event.
  • His film helped start off the most successful Cinematic Universe of all time.
  • Has three doctorates.
  • Has been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D in the past.
  • Helped defend Earth in the Skrull Invasion.


  • Humanity: When separated from his armor, Tony is just an athletic human with decent martial art skills. He can be killed with any conventional weapon when outside the suit.
  • Alcoholism: While Tony has quit drinking, when he used to, Stark would occasionally operate the Iron Man armor while intoxicated, compromising his efficiency. Now that he continues to struggle and avoid falling off the wagon, Tony's alcoholism has made him susceptible to the prospect of drinking, specially when under pressure.
  • Recklessness: While Tony is utterly brilliant, he tends to rush head first into battle and pushes his suits way past their limits, and surpasses them, which often ends in disaster, getting him IN trouble just as much as it is for getting him OUT of it. This has led to him setting off a civil war between superheroes, and pissing off the all-powerful Phoenix Force into killing Charles Xavier (Leader of the X-Men). And once built a machine capable of releasing 20,000 megatons of atomic energy (That's 3 times more than all of the Earth's known nuclear weapons combined). And then he just blasted it straight into the ground! All because he wanted to see what was at the Earth's core.
  • Armors: While there certainly powerful, the Iron Man suits are hardly flawless. They've been known to malfunction in life-threatening ways, and consume too much power too quickly, leaving Tony helpless.
  • Constant Recharge: Due to the shrapnel in his body, Iron Man must keep his suit charged at all times, often involving breaking away from a fight to recharge otherwise he would die. Although the shrapnel was later removed eliminating this weakness.
  • Memory Problems: Due to his recent memory deletion and the procedure that restored him, Tony Stark can no longer remember certain points of his life and the simplest things like how to tie a tie due to the process' side-effects being greater than it was initially predicted.
  • R.T. Node Dependence: The Repulsor Tech node implanted in Stark's chest had the basic machine codes to keep Stark's Extremis-modified body working. So it needed to be in constant connection with him. After a world-ending event that reshaped reality, Stark no longer appeared to use the R.T. node.
  • Psychic Resonance Dampener: Based on Shi'ar technology, this anklet inhibited Stark's ability to access his Extremis abilities for a time. It was provided to him by Doc Samson when SHIELD believed he was becoming unhinged during his investigation of Gadget's demise.
  • Phobia: Stark does not like to be personally handed things.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Following the Battle for New York, Tony suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The mention of "New York" (as a term synonym of the Chitauri invasion) could trigger anxiety attacks. He also suffered from paranoia, believing that a danger similar to the Chitauri invasion was imminent, for which he isolated himself in his workshop for long periods of time creating new Iron Man suits. His mental illness also prevented him from proper sleep cycles, going as far as being awake for 72 hours before taking a nap, prolonged sleep could make him experience nightmares.

Fun Facts[]

  • Iron Man was explicitly made to test Stan Lee's skill as a character creator, as he was specifically given features most people of the time despised.
  • Iron Man is the owner of Area 51 as proven in Avengers Vol 4 #10
  • Iron Man claimed to have beaten Mr. Fantastic in chess twice.
  • Iron Man appeared twice in the popular web series DEATH BATTLE!