Character Profile Wikia
Series Marvel Comics
Age N/A
Birthday June 18th
Sex Male
Species Human
Height 6'3"/191 cm
Weight 230 lbs/104 kg
Alignment Neutral Good

Clinton "Clint" Francis Barton, better known as Hawkeye, is an archer from Marvel Comics.

The city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots... and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.
~ Hawkeye


After losing both of their parents in a car accident and spending six years in an orphanage, Clint Barton and his brother, Barney ran away to join the Carson Carnival of Travelling Wonders. While there, Clint caught the attention of Swordsman and Trick Shot, who trained him to become a master archer. However, Clint found out that his mentors were embezzling money, which led to him getting beaten by Swordsman and his former mentors ran away before Clint could tell the authorities. Staying in the circus, Clint became Hawkeye, the World's Greatest Marksman, until he saw Iron Man in action and decided to become a superhero. However, on his first outing, he ran into the villainous Black Widow and joined her to be a criminal. After Black Widow was seriously injured in a fight with Iron Man, Hawkeye decided to turn over a new leaf and become the hero he wanted to be from the beginning, eventually joining the Avengers.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Master Archer: Barton has trained himself to become a master archer specializing in the use of regular bows, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows with near-perfect accuracy. He is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, hitting multiple targets in a few quick strokes, and directly hit small targets in the greatest of distances. Barton has even been known to hit an apple in the center of it. He practices a minimum of two hours per day to keep his skills honed.
  • Peak Human Sight: Barton possesses extraordinary eyesight. His eyes are more acute than normal humans. His flawless sight allows him to perfectly aim his targets without even looking.
  • Peak Human Condition: Clint's bodily functions at the peak-level athlete with exceptional strength, endurance, speed, and stamina.
    • Peak Human Strength: Clint's physical strength are in peak human levels. He demonstrated the strength to pull his 250 lb. bow with ease.
    • Peak Human Endurance: Clint exhibits high-level pain and stress tolerance. He continued to function for 42 hours while practicing his archery skills without any sleep.
    • Peak Human Reflexes: Although Barton's reflexes do not border on superhuman level, they are functionally superior to 98% of all normal human beings. Clint was able to coordinate his body enough to dodge multiple arrows from Trickshot, as well as several gunshots.
  • Master Marksman: Barton is known as the world's most skillful and accurate archer. His accuracy rival those of Bullseye, as he trained himself to make precise shots from virtually any angle, physical position, or state of motion. Barton was trained in his youth by Trick Shot with throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. He now has near-perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. He can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions. He once aimed five shots at the opponents simultaneously.
  • Expert Acrobat: Barton is an athletic person with natural agility. For this combined with training as an aerialist and acrobat, it makes him capable of doing numerous complex acrobatic maneuvers.
  • Master Martial Artist: Clint is an excellent martial artist. He was trained in various forms of martial arts by Captain America who was known to be one of the world's greatest hand-to-hand combatant. On his first mission with Luke Cage's band of renegade New Avengers, as Ronin he proved to have come a long way from his old days of rarely ever using his martial arts skills. Throughout the battle against 'Elektra' and The Hand, he demonstrated great skill in his overall martial ability, holding his own against nearly endless hordes of ninjas. This earned him a very respecting compliment from his teammate Iron Fist, one of the world's top martial artists. Additionally, Clint once defeated Zaran, Machete, and Batroc at the same time.
  • Expert Tactician: As shown in his leadership of the West Coast Avengers and the Thunderbolts, Barton is a highly competent strategist, tactician, and field commander.
  • Cunning Fighter: Hawkeye is shown numerous of times as a smart and clever fighter. Captain America said Hawkeye had once defeated an elder of the universe with luck and quick thinking. He was even able to outwit Bucky Barnes in training by using a joy buzzer on Bucky's cybernetic arm, though not able to defeat him.
  • Weapons Proficiency: Although he is not known to use melee weapons, Barton's incredible reflexes and hand-eye coordination allow him to easily master most weapons. He also received training in swordsmanship during his youth from the original Swordsman, who was considered one of the greatest experts in sword-fighting the world has ever known. Barton is skilled with swords, knives, nunchakus, staffs, and is one of the few people to be able to properly handle Captain America's shield.
  • Expert Vehicular operator: Clint is an experienced motorcyclist and snowmobiler. He's one of the most proficient and daring pilots of the Avengers Quinjets and Sky Cycles.
  • Talented Weapons Designer: He has crafted arrows, bows, blades, darts, throwing irons, bolas and axes and many of his own trick arrows.
  • Multilingual: Not only is Hawkeye fluent in English, his mother tongue, but also in Italian and in American sign language.


  • Collapsible Recurve Bow: Hawkeye's bow is customized to have a draw-weight of 250 pounds. The bow is capable of folding on itself (most likely for either easier transport, concealment, or both) that can be quickly snapped into its 'armed' form. It has a selector and transmitter that allows Hawkeye to control his mechanical quiver so that he can acquire certain arrows from it. It also has a laser sight.
  • Quiver: Hawkeye's quiver is supplied with a multitude of different arrow heads in the bottom. By dialing up an armament setting from a control on his bow, he can cause the quiver to affix these special arrowheads. This effectively increases the capabilities from conventional arrows, to explosive arrows, a grapple line, and more.
    • Trick Arrows: Hawkeye has many trick arrows for almost any situation. Some examples are:
      • Adamantium Arrows: Can cut through almost anything.
      • Antarctic Vibranium Arrows: Can disintegrate metals.
      • Sleep Dart Arrows
      • Suction-Tip Arrow
      • Suction Cup Arrow
      • Bola Arrow
      • Net Arrow
      • Putty Arrow
      • Acid Arrow
      • Sonic Arrow
      • Explosive-Tip Arrow
      • Cable Arrow
      • Smoke Bomb Arrow
      • Rocket Arrow
      • Electro Arrow
      • Boomerang Arrow
      • Grappling Hook Arrow
      • Pym Particle Arrows: Filled with miniature arrows, or to shirnk anything (They take the name from Ant-Man).
      • Flare Arrow (aka flash/magnesium/phosphorescent/stun-flash)
      • Tear Gas Arrow
      • Electro-Disrupter Arrow (aka electrically operated/shock)
      • EMP Arrow
      • Fire Arrow
      • USB Arrow
      • T.N.T Arrows
      • Freezing Arrows: Freeze whatever they hit.
  • Suit: Hawkeye's suit was upgraded to have chain mail after a near death experience.
  • Combat Knife
  • Hearing Aids: After being ambushed and stabbed in the ears with two arrows, Tony Stark made him hearing aids to fix his hearing.



  • Hawkeye can fire his bow at machine gun speeds while wearing chain mail.
  • Can fire as many as nine arrows at once and hit all targets.
  • He pushed a car with nothing but his bare hands when he was under it.


  • Can dodge arrows and gunfire.
  • Grabbed his bow and shot down four arrows right as they were about to hit him.
  • Reacted to a falling girder within a microsecond with Black Panther.


  • Fell off a building.
  • Fought battles with a broken rib cage.
  • Recovered in 6 weeks after being shot with hundreds of arrows.
  • Is still able to shoot his bow while having one of his arms broken,
  • Once had a marathon 42 hour target practice session with no breaks.


  • Caught an arrow when he was blinded.
  • Can ricochet arrows for precision shots.
  • Tagged Taskmaster while riding a motorcycle.
  • Shot an arrow down a gun barrel.
  • Hit a bulls-eye while upside-down and spinning.
  • Fired an arrow with his mouth and managed to hit his target.
  • Pinned a thrown card to the wall.
  • Pinned someone to a wall with an arrow while blind.
  • Threw a playing card hard to make someone choke.
  • Hit a bulls-eye with an arrow before splitting the previous arrow with another one.
  • Strung a bow and fired an arrow before enemy could release his bowstring.
  • When he donned the mantle, "Ronin", he trained his hand-to-hand combat and it even impressed Iron Fist himself.
  • Infiltrated Dark Avengers HQ and took on Bullseye, Daken, & Venom.


  • Hearing: Should his hearing aids be destroyed, he will lose 80% of his hearing.
  • Limited Quiver: He has a limited amount of arrows, so he needs to make each shot count.

Fun Facts[]

  • Hawkeye is considered the Marvel Comics counterpart of DC Comics Green Arrow.
  • Hawkeye is the only Marvel Comics character to join the Justice League. He did so in JLA/Avengers.
  • Hawkeye has fought under 4 superhero names, Hawkeye, Golden Archer, Goliath, and Ronin.
  • Hawkeye had 6 past romances.
  • Hawkeye's favorite movie is Blade Runner.