Character Profile Wikia
Hanzo Shimada
Series Overwatch
Age 38
Birthday Unknown
Sex Male
Species Unknown
Height 5'8"
Weight N/A
Alignment True Neutral
From one thing, learn ten thousand things.
~ Hanzo

Hanzo is one of the playable characters in Overwatch.


Hanzo was born as the heir to the leader of the Shimada Clan, a century old group of assassins. He was trained from his birth to be an assassin, and when his father died, he was ordered to straighten out his brother Genji, and to convince him to help him rule the Shimada empire. When Genji refused, Hanzo was forced to kill him. This forever devastated Hanzo, and he now travels the world to regain his honor.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Wall Climb: Hanzo is agile enough to climb walls, allowing him to get to greater places to snipe people with arrows.
  • Dragonstrike: Hanzo fires and arrow that sends two giant spirit dragons flying through the air.


  • Storm Bow: Hanzo's signature bow.
  • Storm Arrows: Fires multiple arrows that fire off in the direction he is looking.
  • Sonic Arrows: When fired, reveals the location of all nearby enemies.



  • His arrows can pierce the armor of robots.


  • Can keep up with Genji, who is able to deflect automatic fire.


  • Survived his own Dragonstrike.


  • Is a long range fighter, little close range equipment, but can still fight one or two targets in a close range.