Character Profile Wikia

The Guide of Terraria is an average human who is there to help you when you spawn, he knows every crafting recipe and seems to know alot about Terraria, but if a voodoo doll of him is thrown into a pool of lava in Hell then he will die and spawn into the Wall of Flesh, a giant flesh-filled wall that sweeps across the underworld.


As Guide: The guide in your world is associated with the Order of the Guide whose purpose is to learn, keep and share knowledge and they all may be something called "The Chosen One" which can explain their connection to the Terraria world and how he becomes the Wall Of Flesh.

As Wall Of Flesh: The Wall Of Flesh is what spawns when his voodoo doll is thrown in hell Lava, they are described ad the master and core of the world who, upon death, releases the spirits of light and darkness onto the world including the hallowed.

Powers and Abilities[]

As Guide[]

  • Great Knowledge: The guide knows alot about the Terraria world.
  • Great bow and arrow skills: Can shoot enemies from miles away.

As Wall of Flesh[]

  • Great Size: Covers the entire vertical area of Hell.
  • Horrified: Stops the enemy from escaping Hell by killing them if they leave.
  • Tounge: Shoots a tounge out to pull the enemy closer.
  • Hungries: Shoots small mouths out to hit the enemy.
  • Lasers/Energy Projection: The eyes shoot fast lasers to the enemy.
  • Fast Speed: Can quickly go past the entirety of Hell in a few minutes.
  • Several resistances: Confusion, Poison, Cursed Inferno, Shadowflame, Fire, Venom.
  • Fire Manipulation: With Firecracker and Goat Skull.
  • Several guns
  • Darkness and Light Manipulation: Made the souls of light and darkness be released upon the world.
  • Death Manipulation: Can instantly kill anyone if they leave hell.
  • Fear Inducement: Is so horrifying that anyone to leave will die.
  • Necromancer: Is likely the one who makes the souls go into hell.


  • Bow and arrows
  • Tounge
  • Eye lasers
  • Hungries

Alternate Forms[]

  • Guide: Starts off as the guide.
  • Wall of Flesh: Appears when guide voodoo doll is thrown in hell lava.



  • Can kill zombies with slight difficulty.
  • WOF: Can easily hurt and kill the Terrarian.
  • WOF: Is far stronger than any other hell monster.


  • Isn`t very fast.
  • WOF: Can outrun the terrarian when damaged.
  • WOF: Can go across Hell in minutes.


  •  Can survive a hit from the Terrarian.
  • WOF: Can take hits from the Terrarian.
  • WOF: Can survive explosions.


  • Has incredibale knowledge and skill with bows.
  • WOF: Likely far more skilled than any other Hell monster.


  • Not very strong.
  • Not very fast.
  • Can`t take many hits.
  • WOF: limited speed.
  • WOF: Can only go fast when hurt.
  • WOF: The hungries are very weak.
  • WOF: Many effects can effect them.

Fun Facts[]

  • Can drop a green cap
  • if you equip the guide voodoo doll then you can kill him with weapons.
  • Has a mysterious connection to the world.

Wall of Flesh[]

  • His trophy is his tounge.
  • In lore the W.O.F is described as the world`s guardian and the terraria world is always searching for a new one.
  • His eyes are weaker than the mouth in defence.
  • He serves as the worlds core and guardian.
  • His defeat causes the hallowed to spawn.
  • The Demon Heart, his expert bag item, can only be used once per character.
  • His relic is him looking forward.
  • His goat skull mount is the unicorn mount but with a trail of fire.
  • His Drops:
    • Pwnhammer
    • Breaker Blade
    • Clockwork Assault Rifle
    • Laser Rifle
    • Firecracker
    • Warrior Emblem
    • Ranger Emblem
    • Sorceror Emblem
    • Summoner Emblem
    • Healing Potion
    • Badger`s Hat
    • Wall Of Flesh Mask
    • Wall Of Flesh Trophy
    • Treasure Bag Items:
      • Demon Heart
      • Goat Skull
      • Wall of Flesh Relic