Character Profile Wikia
Series Fate/stay night
Age Immortal
Birthday N/A
Sex Male
Species God/Human Hybrid
Heroic Spirit
Height 5'11¾"/182.2 cm
Weight 149 lbs/68kg
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Gilgamesh, also known as Archer,is the Archer-class Servant of Tokiomi Tohsaka in the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero. He later forms a new contract with Kirei Kotomine that lasts ten years later into the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War of Fate/stay night. He has an obsession with Saber during both stories.

Defying me till the very end, huh? Some things are beautiful exactly because they are unobtainable.
~ Gilgamesh


He is the king of heroes, the hero of the oldest epic poem in human history, who possessed all things in the world. Two-thirds of a god and one-third of man, and born of the union of King Lugalbanda and the goddess Rimat-Ninsun, he was a despot who ruled and protected Uruk from all things, eventually turning against the gods themselves.

As a young man, he was a serious and kind boy, and he grew very arrogant as he matured, becoming a tyrant, and although the people of Uruk suffered, the city prospered. Disgusted with his rebellious and destructive behavior, the gods created Enkidu to retrieve him, and they faced off outside Uruk Temple. In this fight, for the first time in his life, Gilgamesh was challenged by an equal. He emptied his safe, fighting Enkidu for days, and when the battle was over, the two became great friends. They worked and ventured side by side for years, fighting monsters side by side and protecting Uruk. After the goddess, Ishtar fell in love with him, and he rejected her, the Bull of Heaven was unleashed on Uruk.

After the seven years of destruction caused by the beast, he and Enkidu tied it to the Chains of Heaven and defeated it. Enraged and humiliated, Ishtar begged them to be killed, but only Enkidu was punished. He died, returning to nothing but mud, and Gilgamesh, troubled, cursed the gods, swearing that he would never call another friend. At that moment, seeing the only person who equaled him to die, Gilgamesh became obsessed with his mortality and set out on a journey to become immortal. He sought out the wise Ziusudra, an immortal who came from a time before the Great Flood that had destroyed most of humanity. He searched for decades, but only discovered that Ziusudra had joined the gods to become immortal, becoming a half plant in the process. But he told Gilgamesh about another method.

He was summoned by Tokiomi Tohsaka during the fourth Holy Grail war, occupying Archer's class. During the events of Fate / Zero it was "blackened" by the Grail mud and physically incarnated, losing the ability to enter the spiritual form. After Kirei became his master, Gilgamesh stayed with him until the fifth Holy Grail war, acting as one of the great antagonists of Fate / stay Night.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure: the great treasure of Gilgamesh. It is a warehouse that contains the countless treasures of the world collected by Gilgamesh and, using the Key of the King's Law, Bab-ilu, he can open an invisible door to its contents to summon them whenever he wants. It contains the prototypes of all the noble ghosts, which are fired from his safe like projectiles, although he can also mount them directly in his hands for when he wants to fight up close. Due to the large number of Noble Phantasms he possesses, one cannot try to face them, as they have several unknown abilities to properly fight almost any Servant registered on the Throne of Heroes. The rate and power of the Noble Phantoms he releases depends on the situation he finds himself in, as well as how Gilgamesh will use them and who he is up against. In addition, he can also summon them alongside the opponent or from all directions to surprise or subdue them. It is through the use of this noble phantom in this way, having adopted this mode of struggle with Enkidu in life, that he is summoned to the Archer class. It has an incredibly efficient mana cost, only needed to open the gates. He can prepare and produce hundreds or even a thousand Ghost Nobles at the same time, if desired, and can return them to the vault whenever he wants, even in mid-flight.
  • Charisma: The natural talent to command an army, which increases the ability of allies during group battles. In Gilgamesh's case, it is no longer fame, but rather a kind of curse in itself due to his A+ Rank proficiency, causing normal humans to prostrate themselves at his feet in his mere presence. It can also be used as a form of subtle Mind Manipulation, getting people to do what he wants without much resistance.
  • Collector: A "talent" in collecting high-quality goods, a sort of supernatural luck that draws rare items into Gilgamesh's hands. Gilgamesh is one who has collected all the Earth's treasures, grasping the very essence of human ingenuity itself.
  • Divinity: The measure of the ability of the Divine Spirit, reflected in high ranks by the fact that the user becomes part of the Divine Spirit. In step A, it is even an indicator of who has reached the Throne of the Gods. In addition, it has another effect that allows to reduce the "anti-purge defense" proportionally to the level of their divinity, allowing them to break defensive skills, such as protection of the faith and illumination of the sacred by Saver. Gilgamesh would normally have an A + rating on this ability for being two-thirds divine, but his valid rating dropped to B due to his aversion to the gods after they killed his friend Enkidu.
  • Golden Rule: A skill that measures one ability and fortune to obtain wealth. Having been fated to live a life filled with riches, and having said to collect all kinds of treasury, many of which are the originals to the numerous Noble Phantasms used by hundreds of heroes that he has also collected during his lifetime as well as possessing enough wealth never to have any concerns about poverty in any era he appears in, he possesses a rank of A in this skill.
  • Levitation: One of his Noble Phantasms grants Gilgamesh the ability to levitate high in the air, to the point that he is able to float casually more than 100 meters above his opponent and remain perfectly still during a total battle with Enkidu. He is able to control him freely, allowing him to briefly descend to the ground before quickly returning to the air shortly after.


  • Sword of Rupture, Ea: Also known as the "Sword that tore the world", it is the ultimate and definitive Noble Phantom contained in the Portal of Babylon and the most powerful weapon in Gilgamesh. A divine construction and the manifestation of the power that stabilized the planet, used by the gods to represent creation. The sword is crowned with the name of the god Ea, who is believed to be the deification of the same power, which stabilized the planet by moving, crushing and rotating its surface. Although classified as a "sword", it is more accurately described as a stick, due to the support of a cylindrical "blade" with a blunt tip and segments of independent rotation with three lithographs that represent the sky, the earth and the underworld, while together represent the universe. Unlike the countless other Noble Phantoms within his treasure, who were passed on to countless handlers after his death and assumed various forms, it is a sword that only he has and is allowed to wield, as someone who inherited the essence of gods. As his greatest treasure, Gilgamesh is reluctant to use it against "villains", drawing it willingly only to face those he believes to be worthy, such as Alexander the Great and King Arthur.
    • Enuma Elish: The Star of Creation That Split Heaven and Earth: Ea's role as a Noble Phantasm, a space-cut attack that shows "Truth", which was initially used as a powerful Nation-Building Authority that separated Heaven and Earth. It is the maximum production of Ea as a noble anti-world ghost classified as EX; as such, it is suitable for destroying the marbles of reality, in a way that Gilgamesh describes as revealing the reality behind a dream. By rotating the separate sections of Ea at an ever-increasing speed, it releases a vortex of energy as it twists, compresses and entwines the air until the pressure exceeds the laws of physics, creating a shift in space-time. Once activated, the energy vortex and displacement in space-time cause catastrophic damage that cannot be reduced without an attack of equal power or defense against purging. In addition, the attack cuts through space itself, allowing the world to show "Truth" or, in other words, the base of hell, the primordial form of the planet, where no life can exist.
  • Enkidu: Chains of Heaven: Gilgamesh's most trusted Noble Phantasm, even more than Ea. It is a set of chains with the name of your closest friend and made to bind even the gods themselves. It is one of the few noble anti-divine ghosts, becoming stronger when used against people with divine blood, such as Heracles, becoming more effective the higher your level of divinity. They say they connect to the space itself. Those trapped in it cannot escape even with the use of a Seal of Command, although Berserker, in his last moments, in a desperate display of his strength, may break the chains and escape. Against a non-divine Servant like Saber, Archer and Assassin, it is just a strong current. Gilgamesh can summon Enkidu from anywhere he can reach with the Gate of Babylon, even able to use it as a weapon with its sharp edge or use it to drag the enemy closer to him. He will also do his best when he is serious about using it in conjunction with Ea.
  • Vimana: Throne of the Heaven-soaring King: A flying contraption passed from Babylon and India that appeared within the Ramayana and Mahabharata and one of the many noble ghosts within the Babylonian Gate. It far surpasses any jet of the modern era, powered by crystals that burn mercury for fuel. Even when Gilgamesh was kidding, he easily overtook Lancelot on a fighter plane elevated to a Noble Phantasm by Knight of Owner. He uses the Gate of Babylon freely while piloting Vimana. It has a wide variety of functions, including old machine guns, nuclear warheads, stealth functions, communication interception technology, laser cannons and biological weapons, among others.
  • Golden Armor: He usually wears Golden Armor Materialized from magical energy, as well as Saber armor. It is extremely strong to the point that Shirou initially assumed that it was his main noble ghost. He has a strong innate magical resistance and is durable enough to block Tsubame Gaeshi and several strong blows from Saber by simply protecting his head with his hands. He finally stops playing, although his armor is in no danger of giving in to her attacks.



  • He was able to easily destroy Iskandar's noble ghost "Via Expugnatio: Distant Trampling Domination" using his Enuma Elish.
  • The weapons at the gate of Babylon mortally pierced Assassin.
  • His highest-ranked treasures can easily kill Berserker and repel his axe-sword
  • It destroyed a large part of the place where he and Shirou were fighting before the invocation of Unlimited Blade Works.


  • Piloted the Vimana, which easily outpaced a fighter jet elevated to the level of a Noble Phantasm by Lancelot's  Knight Of Owner.
  • Kept up with Saber, Lancer, and Berserker.
  • Able to move within the space of imaginary numbers, where or time does not exist.


  • He survived the explosion of his Vimana without a scratch.
  • Gilgamesh survived after having his arm cut off by Shirou.
  • Sakura ate one of Gilgamesh's legs, and he remained standing.
  • he can select Merodach after his light has been diverted to him by Avalon.
  • He can exchange blows with Kiara and survive your Noble Phantasm.


  • Killed Iskandar ​​​and Assassin.
  • While wearing his Vimana, he played with Lancelot.
  • Killed Medea and Cú Chulainn in Fate/stay night.
  • Killed Leysritt,Berserker and Illyasviel von Einzbern in Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works.
  • He didn't have to walk to beat Iskandar.


  • Gilgamesh is unbearably arrogant and therefore almost always retains, unless he sees his opponent as amusing or worthy of his power.
  • He barely knows how to handle most weapons at the Gate of Babylon.
  • After being "blackened" by the Grail mud, he physically incarnated and lost the ability to enter spiritual form.
  • His arrogance makes him unlikely to use Ea, unless he is facing a worthy opponent.

Fun Facts[]
